#024 – Nick Bottini From Scared of speaking on his home-turf to bestselling author, sharing the principles – Get Clarity Podcast

Released 26th April 2019 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

In this episode of the podcast, you’re going to be hearing a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Nick Bottini. Over the past couple of years he’s gone from being the music teacher in a school to being a bestselling author, speaker and coach who’s passionate about sharing the inside-out understanding with musicians.

And while hundreds of thousands of people are now exploring and having insights into this understanding, there are relatively few people who are managing to share this understanding effectively.

Nick’s an example of someone who’s been proactive in navigating that journey from having his OWN insights into the inside-out nature of life, to helping other people to have THEIR own realisations, but that’s not where he started. In the beginning, Nick experienced what people often call ‘impostor syndrome’ when it came to sharing the principles with musicians. He said,

“I did hold off sharing with musicians because I felt like ‘Who am I to share it at all’ and sharing it on my home territory is the scariest thing to do because it’s like I’ve got real credibility to lose. I could be ‘that guy that’s always talking about that thing’ you know, and and how will people react to that?”

And here’s one of the reasons I’m really excited to be sharing this conversation with you. As you may already know, at our company, we believe the most valuable things you can discover are how experience is created and who you really are. Our mission is to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing.

And one of the things we’ve realised is that the world needs more people who can share the inside-out understanding with others. While Nick’s story is going to be an inspiration for people who want to ‘get this understanding out there’, there’s an important message for all of us in it:

That the most important place to share what you’ve seen is on your ‘home turf’; in the way you’re living your life, and connecting with the people around you.

By the way – whether you have an audience you’d like to reach, like Nick, or you just want to share what you’ve realised with the people already in your world, we’ve just launched a new membership site called Clarity Pro. It’s designed for you to have everything you need to share the principles like a pro, with anybody, on any topic and in any situation. To find out more, go to www.JamieSmart.com/claritypro

To view the original video that this podcast was taken from on Youtube click here