#026 – Interview: Better relationships from the inside-out – Get Clarity Podcast
Released 31th July 2019 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
And that brings us to this episode. What you’re about to hear is a conversation I had with Jan and Chip Chipman, all about relationships. my team and I believe the most valuable things a person can discover is how their mind works and who they really are. And Jan and Chip are two of the people who I’ve really learned a lot from, particularly in the domain of relationships. They’ve been learning and sharing the inside-out understanding for over 40 years, and they’ve got a wealth of experiences working with individuals, couples, prison inmates, large companies and all points in between.
And if that ‘members only’ session is of interest to you, you can check out the membership programme at jamiesmart.com/claritypro/. ClarityPro is our answer to the question of how to enable a person like you who’s been touched by this understanding to share it impactfully with others, and it really is a brilliant resource for anyone looking to share this understanding right now with the people in their world. And when you join our community today, you’ll also get a free ticket to attend one of our ClarityLive 2-Day Events. So to find out more and join ClarityPro go to jamiesmart.com/claritypro
To view the original video that this podcast was taken from on Youtube click here