#042 – How do you get the principles ‘out there’ in your community? – Get Clarity Podcast

Released 12th June 2020 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher

Today, I’m going to introduce you to one of my favourite people. She’s a master of having a flash of inspiration and then running with it.
She’s got a deep understanding of the principles behind clarity, and at the start of this year, she found herself wondering…
“What would it be like to live in in a town where we had the time and energy to connect with friends, and family and the wider community?”  

Clarity Coach Liz Scott asked herself this question in January and started a 3-month experiment exploring wellbeing in her local town of Ivybridge.
So how did it go?
Put it this way. The experiment has been extended for another 6 months!
In fact, Liz is now running online ‘Wellbeing Listener’ programmes supporting those in the community who want to be better listeners for friends, family and work colleagues.
And here’s the cool thing…
Few of the participants have ever even heard of the Inside-Out understanding.
But based on their experience so far, they’re very curious to find out more.
Lots of people have already joined in with the Wellbeing Listener webinar including people from charities, volunteers, listening services, the community connector, business-owners, parents, change-workers and educators.
So I’ve asked Liz to join us here in to share
– her inspiration for the project
– how she got it off the ground
– and her ideas about where it may go next
And here’s the thing: because these principles are playing out for *everyone*, this conversation will be a great opportunity to have insights and realisations for yourself into the principles, and how you can share them with others.