#105 – INTERVIEW: Selling with love – Thriving Coaches Podcast
Released 15th September 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
I’m Jamie Smart – welcome to the podcast. And this is going to be a fun one because you’re going to hear Jason Marc Campbell help me ‘unpack’ my approach to sales and enrolment.
But first, a question: Is it really possible to genuinely *love* selling & enrolment?
Most people are allergic to selling, and I understand why. Most of our reference experiences of sales are of it being done badly, right?
An image that gets reinforced by media stereotypes (used cars, double-glazing etc).
So is it really possible to ‘fall in love’ with selling and enrolment?
Good news; yes it is. I know, because I had to get this handled in order to grow my training and coaching business, and I’ve helped thousands of other coaches to do the same.
Earlier this month, I was interviewed by podcaster Jason Marc Campbell. Jason runs the ‘Selling with Love’ podcast and it was a great chance to explore what it takes to genuinely love selling. Some of the things we covered included…
– The importance of relationship, and why it’s such a crucial value
– The two key things you have to have to enroll a coaching client
– The 5 Question Pricing Model and how to use it
– How to frame your enrolment conversations from the very beginning
– My rule of thumb for how much time people need to spend with you before they’re ready to work with you
You may have heard me say that my aim is to be practical without being prescriptive, leverage spiritual principles without being woo-woo, to have a big impact without being earnest and to share a good feeling in the process.
I reckon this interview hit all those notes so I’m sharing it on the podcast.
By the way, at the end of this month, I’m going to kick off the only Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme we’re going to be running this year, and the last one I’m ever going to run in the 12-week form we’ve taken over 500 coaches, therapists and trainers through over the past 8 years.
As you may know, I love unpacking what I do; it really lights me up, so for the first time ever, over the course of this month I’m going to be ‘unpacking’ my ‘simple, effective, fun’ launch process and showing you how it all applies to getting clients and growing a coaching business. It’s all free, so if you want to find out more head over to www.jamiesmart.com/business
Now here’s me being interviewed by Jason Marc Campbell…
You can find Jason’s Selling with Love podcast at https://www.sellingwithlove.com/