Transforming Setbacks into Success – #088 Get Clarity Podcast

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My friend Jonathan Armes at Capital Shift invited me to have a conversation exploring the topic of “Transforming Setbacks into Success” and he’s given me permission to share the full recording with you.

We took a deep dive into something that affects us all: how we deal with setbacks in life and work, and what changes when we really understand how our mind works.

So whether you’re facing a challenge right now or want to support someone who is (friend, client, colleague or loved one), this was created with you in mind.

Here’s some of what we covered:

  • Why obstacles are often just stepping stones—raw material for your transformation.
  • Why insight beats positive thinking every time (real breakthroughs come from fresh perspectives, not just pushing harder).
  • How to break free from victimhood, remember who you really are, and move through setbacks with more freedom and flow.

Tons of love,

P.S. Huge thanks to Jonathan for having me on! If you’d like to explore more of his work, check out his podcast here.

Listen & Subscribe On: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Youtube