Released 25 January 2017 Subscribe: iTunes
Ani Patel is an entrepreneurial pharmacy owner who managed to double its turnover and profitability in just two years after purchasing it. And one of the interesting things about Ani is that his company has won the prestigious “Alphega Pharmacy of the Year” award.
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Because Ani’s business was growing so fast he found himself irritable and not being about to commit time to his family.
Ani’s friend introduced him to Jamie, to seek out the clarity needed to find that balance in his life. He says it basically opened up a whole new avenue in his mind of what is what and what is real, what is hisworld and what is actually the real world.
These realizations have prepared Ani for upcoming life events and has given him the tools do deal with whatever comes his way. In the past three years, he has learned that work stays at work and he was able to be fully present in his time away from work with his brand new baby. He realized that he was the only one putting all the pressure on himself, not any one else.
He feels that the real beauty of life is not to be the most successful business person in the world but it is actually to have an unbreakable bond with those closest to you.
Ani calculates if he puts in a certain amount of hours what type of reward he get in return, and at what cost this will be to his family.
“I realized there has to be more to life than this because other people in their respective fields must be doing something I was not doing in order to go forward and enjoy and be happy.”
“It’s because I choose to live in the present, other things just are, they just happen, there are variables that I can’t control”
“What we do (in business) does not make us who we are.”