It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog below.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
At last week’s Resilient Young Minds conference, my friend and colleague Dr Rani Bora gave a beautiful talk called, “No-one Is Broken.” Rani’s a psychiatrist, and she explained that the word “psychiatry” means “medicine for the soul (it comes from the words “psyche” meaning soul and “iatre” meaning medicine). Then she asked this question:
“What medicine does a soul need? I’m posing that to you, because how will we ever find it? Will it come in lotions, in potions? Is it going to be tablets, capsules? And in what dose? As physicians, one of the things we have is a prescription pad. And a wise physician once said, “If someone is really struggling, give them love.” He was asked what to do if that doesn’t work, and he replied, “Increase the dose.”