Released 15th September 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
I’m Jamie Smart – welcome to the podcast. And this is going to be a fun one because you’re going to hear Jason Marc Campbell help me ‘unpack’ my approach to sales and enrolment.
Released 06th September 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
There was one problem: my contact warned me that the military personnel wouldn’t enjoy my talk. He explained these were experienced senior officers (colonels, generals etc) who already felt they had all the EQ they needed. He said they’d likely be checked out and checking their watches during my session.
Released 31st August 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
Released 27th January 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
Welcome to the podcast. I’m delighted to present this episode, “Living a Beautiful Life” with Jan and Chip Chipman. The theme for the ClarityLive conference it was recorded at was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really lovely. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a great sense of community, with lots of profound realisations.
And one of the highlights of the weekend was my session with my dear friends, mentors, colleagues and collaborators, Jan and Chip Chipman. Jan, Chip and I met nearly 13 years ago and have been friends ever since. We’ve run retreats together in the Canary Islands and mainland Spain. They spent years being mentored by Sydney Banks, and one of the things you’re going to love about this conversation is the feeling they bring. Chip also tells me favourite Syd Banks story in this session, so I hope you enjoy that too.
Released 20th January 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
I’m really happy to share this episode with you, with the unusual title of ‘Burning It All Down’, because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held earlier this month. The theme for the event was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really lovely. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a great sense of community, with lots of profound realisations. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Certified Clarity Coaches who’ve been having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to live a beautiful life, and how this understanding has helped them do exactly that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over a coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with business owner & entrepreneur Charlie Madison.
Released 17th January 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
This episode is one lots of people will relate to because it’s called “Getting Out of Your Own Way, and really I’m delighted to share this episode with you because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held earlier this month. The theme for the event was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really lovely. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a great sense of community, with lots of profound realisations. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Certified Clarity Coaches who’ve been having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to live a beautiful life, and how this understanding has helped them do exactly that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over a coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with bestselling author & coach, Marie Arymar. And Marie specialises in working with young people and parents.
Released 13th January 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
I’ve called this episode, “The Power of Precision”, and I’m excited to share this episode with you because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held, just last weekend. The theme for the event was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really terrific. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a lovely sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Certified Clarity Coaches who have been having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to live a beautiful life, and how this understanding has helped them do that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with the number 1 bestselling author, coach & trainer, Mamoon Yusaf.
Released 04th January 2022 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
I’m Jamie Smart – welcome to the podcast. In this episode you’re going to be hearing something I’m very happy to share with you. It’s the recording of a conversation I had with Clarity Coach Louise O’Dalaigh at the last ClarityLive event a few months ago. Louise is trained as a nurse and has spent the last 30 years working in the healthcare field. Her current role is as a Quality Improvement Lead for an NHS organisation with over 10,000 staff. So it was a real treat to be able to have one of my ‘fireside chat’ conversations with her and find out the kind of difference the principles understanding is making in her life and in her organisation.
Released 17th November 2021 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
The recording you’re about to hear is a conversation with my dear friend and colleague Garret Kramer on the state of the world today.
It often seems to me like we’re living in the pages of a Marvel comic, and a lot has changed since Garret and I last spoke together in public, so it seemed like a good time to catch up.
Released 2nd November 2021 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
I’m Jamie Smart – welcome to the podcast. In this episode, you’re going to hear from executive coach Tony Piper. Tony is a graduate of our Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme. One of the interesting things about Tony is that he’s seen a big increase in his impact as a coach as he’s started integrating the principles in his work.
By the way, the doors are now open for the full Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme, our 12-week journey for coaches, therapists and other heart-centred professionals who want to grow a successful business by making a massive difference.