CCR19 – Self Improvement, Magic and Intensives

As another week draws to a close here is a quick round up of last 5 days’ activities direct from Clarity HQ.

1) This week’s Facebook Live session in the private Exponential Practice Professional Group Why Self-Improvement Stunts Your Development may have seemed a strange statement coming from someone whose books are in the “Personal Development” section of the bookstore, but “self-improvement” could be the thing that’s been getting in the way of your growing personally and professionally. You can watch the replay here. You will need to be a member of the group to watch the Facebook live, but you can join now for free here:

2) This week’s newsletter Not self-improvement I talk further about the Facebook Live mentioned above. You can read the full article here

3) In this week’s Exponential Practice Podcast episode I speak with Sue Lachman – Courage Is The Magic Word. Sue Lachman is a transformational coach, speaker and trainer who loves working with families and individuals who want to experience more peace, love and wellbeing in their lives. And one of the interesting things about Sue is that she specialises in helping Mums discover how to find the right balance between work and being a Parent. You can listen to the full podcast here

4) This week’s Thursdays Enthusiasms Literacy, Learning and Love include handy check lists for doing intensives and an interview with someone who’s touched my life deeply. You can read the full article here

5) Finally, some upcoming dates you might be interested in…

– 21st, 22nd and 23rd July – I’ve got a group of coaches joining me in a few weeks to ‘sit in’ on a 3-day, 1:1 Intensive I’m doing with a paying client. Would you like to join us? You’ll get to be a ‘fly on the wall’ during the 1:1 sessions, then after each session, I’ll be unpacking it for you and answering your questions. We’ve got people joining us in London, and via live-streaming from around the world. If you’d like to join us just email Nikki at

– 27th July – The Impact Immersion: Transition. This is a 3 hour workshop with a small group of people. We’re going to be going ‘behind the scenes’ and looking at exactly what it takes to go from being a full-time employee to making a decent living as a coach, trainer or consultant. If you want to transition from your job to something more fulfilling and “on-purpose”, and you want to get some straight talk on what that journey really looks like, this might be a good fit for you. We have places live in London, and via live-streaming on both the morning (10am to 1pm UK time) and afternoon (230pm to 530pm UK time) slots. If you’d like to join us just email Nikki at for more information.

Have a great weekend

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:

1. Hire me to speak at your event

If you want an entertaining and impactful keynote speech or breakout session for your conference, offsite or town hall meeting, email Nikki at and type “Keynote” in the subject line.

2. Apply for the 2017 intake of the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme

If you want to be part of the class of 2017, this year’s intake of the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme starts in September. There’s an early booking price if you apply by this Friday, June 30th. You can find all the details and get your application in here:

3. Join the Exponential Practice Professional Group

Join the Exponential Practice Professional Group and connect with the growing community of like-minded transformation professionals who are passionate about exponentially increasing their grounding, impact and their livelihood. You can join for free at

4. Join the next intake of Project Glasswing

We’re putting together a new practice-building case study group at Coaching Package Power this month. Stay tuned for details… If you’d like to work with me and my team on growing your practice… email Nikki at and type “Project Glasswing” in the subject line.

PLUS: check these out :

Get your free Exponential Practice Scorecard book

Listen to the Results Mindset Podcast

Listen to Your Exponential Practice Podcast

Read the first 2 chapters of my Sunday Times Bestseller RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More