Clarity® Certification Training
- Certification Criteria -
The criteria for official Certification as a Clarity Coach are as follows:
1) Attendance on and participation in the Clarity Coach Training Programme. If days are missed, they must be ‘made up’ using video replay.
2) Mentors will keep track of students' progress over the course of the programme using a “traffic light” system, where GREEN means on track, AMBER means some extra guidance required and RED is a flag signal. Red signals usually only show up if a student is not in contact with their mentors / in attendance. Certification requires a GREEN audit from the members of your mentoring team based on their experience of you by the end of the course.
3) 80 hours 1:1 coaching experience, attained since the start of the programme in September 2023. The total allocation to be comprised as follows:
- 10 hours of automatic credit for classroom exercises provided. They are completed as part of the live Clarity Certification Training days.
- 30 hours max from peer coaching with colleagues from Clarity programmes.
- 40 hours must be evidenced from coaching activity with people outside of the Clarity programme, of which 20 must be on a 'paid for' basis. 'Payment' for up to 10 hours of this portion may include reciprocal coaching or barter for other goods or services. At a minimum, 10 hours of the total allocation must also be attained from work undertaken on a monetary basis (ie. cash payment).
4) Certification will be based on submitted evidence of coaching hours, detailed on the official Clarity Coaching Log Sheet.
5) Jamie Smart to make the final “sign off” decision for each person seeking Certification as a Clarity Coach.
6) There is no rush to get certification by the end of the programme. Certification can be granted at any time following completion of the course if the criteria above are met.
7) There are plans to introduce Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements in the future, and Clarity Academy Ltd reserves the right to introduce CPD criteria at a later date.
8) Certification as a Clarity Coach gives you the right to use the Clarity brand in specific ways, for example referring to yourself as a ‘Clarity Coach’ and use of official Clarity Coach business cards.
9) Additional consideration in support of any application for Certification may, at the discretion of Jamie, also be given for any of the following related coaching activities:
- Teaching on, leading or facilitating group programmes
- Professional work undertaken in a corporate environment or in the voluntary or public sectors
- Other relevant coaching or training experience
Should you wish for any other activities to be considered to support your application, please provide full details in the relevant section of your Log Sheet. Assessment of such material will be on a case-by-case basis.