Get deeply aligned with your authentic direction, and start living with more peace, passion and clarity

Imagine a life that’s rich with…

I’m talking about waking up with a sense of peace and clarity, knowing that you’re going to be OK no matter what. This is what I call a high-quality mental and emotional lifestyle; it’s what it means to be truly “recession proof.”

Being true to yourself in all situations. Would you love to have that magnetic sense of being comfortable in your own skin? (It turns out that this is one of the most attractive qualities a person can have.)

What’s even more powerful than time freedom and financial freedom? The mental and emotional freedom that’s at the heart of true abundance. Can you imagine how much easier it is to create whatever you want as you start to realise that all your freedom, abundance and creative power comes from within?

Every human being yearns for a sense of direction. Until you’ve found the path that is “yours and yours alone,” it can seem like you’re on the sidelines of life. But once you’re on track, with passion and purpose, it’s like you’re living in a new world.

Enlightened success means living from a deep understanding of how life works. It means good feelings and a vibrant experience of living. It means being philosophical about the ups and downs of life. It means fulfilling relationships, the achievements and material successes that make sense to you and a life that’s rich with meaning and purpose.

Guiding you and supporting through your personal transformation is the primary focus of my work.

Over the course of 3 days, you and I will be spending two to three sessions per day together, one on one, upgrading your understanding of how life works.

You can expect to have profound breakthroughs, and find a fresh, new outlook on life.

While your experience will be unique to you, many clients find that they emerge with more hours in the day, enhanced relationships, and a sustainable clarity and wellbeing.

Next Steps

We recognise that the decision to embark on a CEO 1:1 Intensive is a significant one. It represents a major transition-point in your life; a profound re-ordering of how you relate to yourself, your work, to other people and to life as a whole.

When a person is considering investing trust, time and financial resources at this level, these are the usual steps:

  • Schedule an initial conversation by emailing
  • Based on your circumstances and objectives, we will suggest one or two existing clients as references if you’d like to speak with someone who’s already experienced a Clarity 1:1 CEO Intensive.
  • Schedule your intensive based on your and Jamie’s availability. While your intensive lasts 3 days, we recommend adding a fourth day for integration before returning to your home and work.
  • Meet with Jamie for the 3 days of your intensive at a residential location. It’s essential that the venue is away from your work and home, allowing you to be largely offline—out of email and phone contact, and not working during your intensive. Our usual location is The Grove in Hertfordshire.
  • Spend the 4th day relaxing, reflecting, and continuing the integration of what you’ve been learning.
  • Have your follow-up coaching calls at agreed times after your intensive to share insights, get answers to your questions, and continue your transformation.

the best return and realization of investment in terms of…

The time was the best return and realization of investment in terms of transformational thinking and results I have experienced from a personal development program. Working with Jamie on my Intensive gave me the clarity to reclaim and refocus my power as a leader.”
Chris Norton
Director, Mentor Group

Better results, better relationships, more love and…

Better results, better relationships, more love and a deeper connection with all of those around me. I experienced an unbelievable shift in love, connection and relatedness with my children which resulted in tears of joy and still does along with a major transformation in how I saw what was really important to me in life with regard to my time, my work and my business.
Ian Selby
Director at Timbawood Ltd

The last 6 months have been my most successful since I started my business…

The last 6 months have been my most successful since I started my business. I’ve gone from struggling to make a living, to having my best six months ever! My coaching business is going from strength to strength, and I’m finally running workshops that are filling with ease! Best of all, it’s happened effortlessly, without me even noticing.
Marina Pearson
Bestselling Author of ‘Goodbye Mr Ex’

I have a lot less on my mind and can see through problems…

Prior to my one on one with Jamie I was racked by a busy over-analytical mind that paralysed me from taking effective action. Since my intensive, I have a lot less on my mind and can see through problems that would have previously had me going in circles. As a result, my goals are now starting to emerge with ease rather than through force of will.
Scott James

The pay-off? Incredible clarity and a deep and profound…

The pay-off? Incredible clarity and a deep and profound feeling of joy, well-being and gratitude. I’ve had many coaches throughout my life and career. Jamie ‘gets’ me in terms of where I am in my life, and has accelerated my understanding hugely. The pay-off? Incredible clarity and a deep and profound feeling of joy, well-being and gratitude.
Kimberley Hare
Managing Director, Kaizen Training

I saw much more clearly what I had to do to get my business to the next level and…

I saw much more clearly what I had to do to get my business to the next level and a year on, I am pleased to say I have done just that! My intensive with Jamie changed the way I run my business. When I went back to work after the intensive, the problems that I saw as huge and insurmountable were suddenly enjoyable challenges.
Clare Brady
Managing Director, Brady Solicitors