#023 – Clarity Case Study: The Principles of Clarity at Work in the NHS – Get Clarity Podcast

Released 19th March 2019 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher

This episode is one we’ve been trying to organise for a while, because it’s with Louise O’Dalaigh, a woman who’s been working to introduce the principles behind clarity into the National Health Service (NHS).

As you may know, the issue of stress and burnout is pretty much an epidemic in the world of healthcare, so it’s one of the places where subtractive psychology has so much to offer. Why? Because in a domain where people are insanely busy, and have crucial, life and death decisions to make,  subtractive psychology is the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential.

Louise went into the NHS because she’s passionate about helping people and caring for others. She started out as a nurse, and rose through the ranks to become a senior manager leading services.

In the process, she experienced a huge amount of stress and pressure, to the point where she was really struggling at work. Her doctor had put her on anti-depressant medication and even advised her to find a different career.

That looked like a last resort to her, so she started exploring the principles behind clarity. During the first workshop she attended, she had an insight into where her experience was coming from, and who she really is.

She suddenly realised that no matter what happened, she’d be OK; that she could never be a victim of circumstance, and there was nothing she couldn’t handle.

Within weeks, she was off medication, and living with a knowledge of her innate resilience and wellbeing that is with her to this day.

Once she saw the power of this understanding for herself, it was a no-brainer to see how it could benefit her colleagues. And you may be able to relate to this. Have you had a realisation into some aspect of these principles, then wondered “Why doesn’t everyone know this?” or “How can I get this out there?”

That’s what happened to me when I first saw this, and it’s also what Louise experienced.

Of course, knowing these principles can make a huge difference is one thing, but it’s quite another thing to answer the question, “How do you share this understanding with the people in your workplace? How do you share it with your colleagues? With your friends? With your loved ones?”

Louise is a mum to four children, so you can imagine how important this last one is to her.

In this episode, you’re going to hear how Louise is answering that question, and is now sharing this understanding with senior health professionals from all around the world.

You may also get your own insights and realisations about how to ‘get these principles out there’, and share them with the people who matter to you.

To view the original video that this podcast was taken from on Youtube click here