TTE 156 – Faith and the fannies

It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog below.

1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
It’s nearly 7 years since he passed away, and the world is poorer for his absence. There are many of his views I disagree with, but Hitchens seems pretty on point with this one (from one of his electric debate performances):

“The problem to begin with the: replacement of reason by faith the discarding of the one thing that makes us important and useful and different from other primates in favour of something that requires no evidence and just requires incantation is not good for you. If Dr. McGrath or anyone else could come up with an example of a society which had fallen into slavery and bankruptcy and beggary and terror and misery because it had adopted the teachings and the precepts of Spinoza and Einstein and Pierre Bayle and Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine then I’d be impressed and that would be a fair test on a level playing field. But you will find no such example..” 

2. Weight Loss – A quick video with some dramatic results!
A couple of weeks ago I released a podcast episode of a coaching session I did with Pam Featherstone around weight loss and self-care during the Clarity Coach Training Programme. Here’s a 2-minute follow-up video I did with her at the following module, a month or so later. As you can see, the impact has been enormous! watch the video here

3. Clarity Coaching Unpacked
In this week’s Thriving Coaches Podcast episode you’re going to hear me ‘unpacking’ a coaching session I did with Pam Featherstone (from the video above) – an episode you may have heard on my podcast a couple of weeks ago.

You’ll hear me go through the whole coaching session, explaining what I’m doing and responding to with Pam. Just in case you didn’t hear the original session, here’s the backstory: Pam took her coaching business from zero to 1 million in under 3 years and became Action Coach’s no.1 global coach of the year, but she struggled with her own health and wellbeing. This is something I see with a lot of coaches and therapists and transformation professionals – they’re brilliant at support other people but sometimes need a little help taking care of themselves.

Here’s the full Clarity Coaching Demo UNPACKED on my session with Pam

4. This week’s 3 minute miracle
Benjamin Gibbard (singer from Death Cab for Cutie) has created a ‘remake’ of one of my favourite albums ever (Teenage Fanclub’s Bandwagonesque). Normally I would not approve, but what Gibbard has done is beautiful. Here’s an example, the Fannies classic ‘The Concept’ – enjoy!

That’s it for this week!
