FSOC – First sight of the new edition of CLARITY
You see (speaking to you as an author), while there’s something cool about seeing ‘box-fresh’ copies of your book in a bookshop or arriving on your doorstep…
…there’s nothing quite like the feeling you get when you know something you’ve created has been thoroughly devoured…
…Like a chef seeing their plates being licked clean…
…Or a coach seeing their clients implementing what they’ve been working on…
So this week, after I put out a post on Facebook asking who wanted to be one of the very first people to read the new edition of CLARITY, I was immensely gratified when coach Cath Daley commented,
“Definitely Jamie! My copy of the earlier edition is very dogeared now because I keep going back to it and get new insights every time. I’m looking forward to the new content x”
I asked her if she’d be willing to share a photo of her book, explaining that one of my favourite things to see is a dogeared copy of CLARITY that’s been read, re-read and referenced til it’s a shadow of its former self.
And why is this relevant today?

The 10th-anniversary edition of my book CLARITY is hitting the bookshops (and people’s letterboxes) three weeks from yesterday.
I’ve spent a big chunk of the last few years working on this, and I can’t wait to see how it lands.
In the past, I put a lot of energy into climbing the bestseller charts. It was a lot of fun, and I feel very grateful for all the support from my amazing community (CLARITY was a big number one & RESULTS made the Sunday Times bestseller list). Thank you! 👊🏻💜🙏
This time, my aim is different.
The 2nd edition is a significant development on the original, with new case studies, my latest insights and peer-reviewed research (each chapter has a “What the Research Says” section, linking to journal articles, videos and other materials to help you develop your own evidence base for the principles).
You may already know my mission is to awaken people and support them in awakening others.
My aim in writing the new edition is to wake up as many people as possible to the truth of who they really are. And to do that, I need people to *read* the book.
To be clear: If you gave me the choice between selling 10 copies that get shared around between 100 friends and read cover to cover VS selling 100 copies where only 1 in 10 get read, I’d prefer to sell 10 copies that reach 100 people.
Because there’s a source of clarity, resilience and realization within every human being that can transform their lives. When you read CLARITY, you’re creating the conditions to awaken that source of insight and transformation for yourself. The book is designed to wake you up to who you really are.
And the world needs *who you really are* now, more than ever.
So I need your help. Amazon uses ‘pre-orders’ to make all sorts of decisions about a book (including how much stock to order, who to show it to etc).
If you’re one of the people who’s planning to *read* the new edition, it would really help me out if you could pre-order the book in the next week.
Of course, pre-orders are the first ones that get sent out, so if you place your pre-order this week, you’ll be holding the new edition of clarity in your hands in 3 weeks’ time.
Q: Do you want to be one of the first people to read the new edition of CLARITY?
If you’re up for helping me out with this, you can pre-order your copy here or wherever you get your books.
This week’s podcast
INTERVIEW – You Do You with Cathy Casey
In this episode, you’re going to be hearing a ‘fireside chat’ I had with my dear friend and colleague, Cathy Casey. Cathy pioneered taking the principles into the California prison system and is a master of stepping into the unknown and bringing unique expression to life. You can listen to our conversation here:
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Tons of love,
******** TIME SENSITIVE RE: SUNDAY JAN 8th @ 4 pm *********
PS The Counterintuitive Clues to the Work You’re Here to Do
My beloved Emma McDevitt and I spent the last few days in deepest Staffordshire making plans and enjoying the countryside.
We found a beautiful hike, drank good coffee and had some great conversations.
We talked a lot about the domain of ‘unique expression’ (both because we’re fascinated by it, and in just over a week, we’re kicking off our first programme oriented around it).
And we explored that whole question of “the work you’re here to do”.
And as we shared insights with each other, we realised there are specific signs and clues that let a person know when they’re being called to step into their fullest expression.
But here’s where it gets ‘counterintuitive’.
You see, almost every one of the ‘clues’ we detected was wearing a disguise…
And that’s good news and bad news.
First the bad news:
If you’ve been waiting for a clear sign from the heavens a) telling you what the work you’re here to do is, b) showing you a tried-and-tested action plan and c) giving you a cast-iron guarantee that it’s going to work out the way you want it to…
The bad news is it doesn’t work like that.
But here’s the good news: If you’ve been experiencing any of the things on the list below, you may have been in the presence of one of these ‘counterintuitive clues’ without even knowing it:
– a yearning to belong, to be accepted for who you truly are
– feeling stuck / purposeless, lacking motivation
– repeating “bad habits” like judgment, resentment, envy, criticism or complaining
– feeling a lack of fulfilment and satisfaction
– noticing wants / desires that just won’t go away, no matter how often you dismiss them
– experiencing chronic anxiety, low energy or auto-immune issues
– the sense that you’re making progress, only to find yourself back where you started
– knowing what you want to do, but not knowing where to start (or feeling scared that it won’t work out)
See, hidden in this list of (admittedly unpleasant) experiences are the diamonds that can help you get clear on your unique expression, “the work you’re here to do”.
Sound too good to be true?
Don’t take my word for it. Emma and I have decided to have a one-off, 75-minute Zoom conversation / Q&A session where we’re going to reveal a bunch of these counterintuitive clues, and show you how to uncover the diamonds they’ve been concealing.
(We’re also going to be walking you through four or five unabashedly *positive* clues to help you zero in on your calling.)
The response has been enormous, so it’s going to be a great group, and it’s totally free.
WHEN: This Sunday, Jan 8th, 4 pm UK time (8 am PT & 11 am ET)
WHERE: Zoom (click below to register & get access details)
Q: Do you want to join Emma and me for the ‘5 counterintuitive clues’ Zoom / Q&A
>> Click Here to register now: www.JamieSmart.com/unique
I hope to see you at the session
PPS As I mentioned above, Emma and I are kicking off a brand new programme in a week’s time, called The Clarity Professional Programme: Bring Your Unique Expression to Life.
While we’re not likely to talk very much (or even at all) about the programme during Sunday’s Zoom / Q&A session, the reason we’re *doing* the Zoom is that we’re already in conversation with a number of people who are considering joining the programme.
Sometimes, people like to leave it until pretty close to the wire before making a decision, and we understand that so…If you want to find out more about the programme we’re doing, here’s a 12-minute video clip from our recent ClarityLive event where I talk about our inspiration for doing the programme. Just hit reply to this email if you have any questions / want more info, and we’ll see you at tomorrow’s session (make sure to click www.JamieSmart.com/unique to register and get the Zoom link).