FSOC – The crucial thing about criticism

Released on May 22nd, 2020

In this week’s Friday Shot of Clarity, we’re going to explore one of many people’s deepest unconscious fears: the fear of being criticised.

I saw a tweet a couple of weeks ago from a chap called @brian_armstrong – here it is…

“You have to be ok with people hating you to do anything interesting it turns out. Nobody mentioned that growing up. Figure out what you feel is right and go for it, regardless of what others think. The world is full of people who will criticize you, no matter what you do.”

I shared it with the folks in my ClarityPro group, and a number of people commented on the word “hate” in the original tweet. I replied that there’s an interesting ambiguity in the sentence…”

You have to be ok with people hating you to do anything interesting it turns out.”

…it can also read as ‘hating the fact that you’re doing something interesting’ which is less personal and possibly closer to the truth.

And this put me in mind of the last few lines of that famous Marianne Williamson quote, and something nobody ever mentions about it.

Here’s the bit I mean:

“It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give other people

permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.”

And here’s the thing nobody ever mentions about it…

Those last 2 sentences are 100% true, but there should be a final sentence in brackets, along the lines of…

⚠️WARNING: They won’t necessarily thank you for it⚠️

Think about it…

We talk about ‘awakening’ and ‘waking people up’…

But a lot of the time, when someone’s fast asleep… curled up in their bed… comfy and cosy…

And you do something that starts waking them up…

They come half-awake, and feel confused… or irritated… or angry that someone’s disturbed their peaceful slumber…

And they tell you to shut up… or to piss off…

They want you to leave them alone so they can go back to sleep.

Q: Have you ever had this when you’ve started waking someone up (either literally or figuratively)?

Has this ever *been* you?

Big love

Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach