#012 – From Depression to Corporate Coaching with the Principles – Get Clarity Podcast
Released 26th Sep 2018 Subscribe: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
In this episode you’re going to hear an interview I did eight years ago with a good friend and colleague – Sandy Krot.
At the time I was very early in my own journey into exploring the principles behind Clarity and Sandy had been sharing these principles with individuals and with corporate clients for over 30 years.
So as you’re listening to this now it’s getting on for 40 years that Sandy has been sharing these principles with people. A particular interest for Sandy is the whole domain of the corporate world and leadership teams so I think you’re really going to enjoy her perspective on taking these principles into a variety of different environments.
This episode is sponsored by the certified Clarity Coach Training programme, a 10-month immersion into the principles behind clarity. The programme is formally open for registration and it’s not just for coaches, we’ve had all sorts of people go through the programme including computer programmers, doctors, call centre workers, layers, parents PR specialists, therapists, office workers, entrepreneurs, surgeons, people who are already coaches and consultants and trainers and even a professional footballer and if you’re interested it’s worth knowing that we’re not running the programme next year so the intake that’s starting this September (2018) is the last chance you’ll get to join us until 2020 at the very earliest. So if you want to find out how to become a Clarity Coach and see what’s involved in bringing an understanding of these principles into every aspect of your life go to https://www.jamiesmart.com/coach
To listen to this episode on Youtube click here