FSOC – Getting back in the game after a Covid business-collapse

Released on June 5th, 2020

In this week’s Friday Shot of Clarity, we’re going to look at an example of where what *seems* like a problem is actually what I call ‘wisdom in disguise’. I recently did a laser-coaching session with a client who was completely stuck following a series of catastrophes.

First, she was hit with the deaths of both her parents within the space of a couple of years.

Then her husband became seriously ill.

She told me that during this period, her work as a coach was the thing that was keeping her going.

But then, the UK coronavirus lockdown kicked in, and her business collapsed overnight.

She said it was like a domino effect of ‘big things’ happening that left her feeling stuck and with no confidence.

She said she felt like she had lead in her boots and was unable to move.

When I asked her what she wanted to have happen as a result of our session, she said…

“I want to become unstuck. I want to go back to being me.”

We did this session in front of an audience of clients on my 12-week Coaching Immersion programme (Cecilia was on the ‘Thriving Coaches Blueprint’ track) and in the midst of the session, something unusual occurred to me. I asked her…

“Is it possible that what you’ve been describing as ‘stuck’ is actually wisdom in action in some way?”

I know! Weird question, right?

But here’s why I asked it…

I work on the basis that people are *always* doing what makes sense to them at their current level of understanding.

… the business owner who’s spending more time than they want to at work…

… the alcoholic who can’t seem to stop drinking…

… the coach who gets cold feet when it comes to putting their prices up…

… the husband who gets eaten up with jealousy…

… the teenager who can’t bring themselves to study…

When I asked my client to consider the possibility that her ‘stuckness’ was actually what I think of as ‘wisdom in disguise’, it turned out to be the key that allowed her to start unlocking everything.

I regularly find that the very things people are struggling with turn out to be an expression of their innate wisdom.

I know! Weird, right?

But when they start to see the truth of this, it takes the pressure off, and it opens them to insight…

And here’s the thing…

Insight actually increases your level of understanding…

And when your understanding increases, you know better…

And when you know better, you do better. Remember…

People are *always* doing what makes sense to them at their current level of understanding.

My client (Cecilia) has very kindly given us permission to release the recording of this 27-minute coaching session.

Q: Would you like to see / hear this coaching demo?

>> You can click here to watch or listen to it now.

By the way, if you want to bring an understanding of the principles behind clarity into your life and your work, I wanted to let you know that the 2021 Intake of our flagship programme, the Clarity Certification Training is now open for enrolment and you can save up to £3,000 when you register by Friday 26th June. A few things worth knowing…

1. Clarity Certification Training is our flagship seven-month programme for anyone interested in bringing an understanding of the principles behind clarity into their life or work.

2. I’m going to be delivering all 7 modules on the Clarity Certification Training myself, so you’re going to be working closely with me.

3. We’re limiting the number of places on the programme to 36 people, and…

4. You can save up to £3,000 when you book your place by Friday, 26th June, 2020.

>>> You can find out more and book your place at www.JamieSmart.com/coach

Big love,

Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

PS A couple of things worth knowing…

Clarity Advanced Coach & Facilitator Programme (CACFP) – 11 of the 12 places on the 2020/21 CACFP have been taken, so there’s only one place left as I write. The 11 places have been taken by graduates of our Clarity Certification Training programme, so I’m looking for the final place to go to someone who’s been through the Clarity programme or similar. It’s a significant investment of time, energy and money (30 days, £12,000) so it’s only going to be a good fit for a small number of people. If you think you could be a good fit for the final place, hit reply to this email and write ‘advanced programme’, telling me a little bit about why you think you’re a good fit, and I’ll send you a 13-minute video about the programme.

ClarityLive! July 11-12 – We’ve got the next ClarityLive! event coming up on July 11th & 12th, and the theme for this ClarityLive! is the whole domain of waking up to your true self. And I’ve got two very special guests joining me that weekend. If you want to find out more and book your place, you can see the full details here: https://www.clarityacademy.co/clarity-live-EARLYBIRD

The Clarity Life Community – I’ve decided to re-launch one of my facebook groups as the Clarity Life Community. We’re in the early stages now, but my plan is that this group will be for anyone who wants to see the principles behind clarity more deeply in their own lives, and share this understanding with others. If this appeals to you, you can join for free here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitablecoaches/