FSOC – How can we make sense of the strange times we’re living through?
Released on April 3rd, 2020
Last week, over 100 people joined me via live-stream for a one-hour session called ‘Finding your bearings in turbulent times’.
We did it as a Q&A session (you can see the questions below), and one of the first points that was raised was how to respond to the crisis from a 3p perspective. And here’s the thing:
Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen acts of extraordinary selfishness, and heroic bravery. We’ve seen some people at their worst, and others at their best.
If you’re anything like me, you may have found yourself being judgmental towards some, and brimming with admiration for others.
One thing is certain: everybody is doing *exactly* what makes sense from their current level of understanding.
At one point in the session, I asked people to let me know if an understanding of the principles behind clarity was helping them navigate these strange times we’re living through, and I was blown away…
Almost everyone on the call said this understanding was making a big difference to them.
So I’ve decided to release the audio of the session on my podcast, and make the video available too (there’s no registration required to watch this).
>>> You can listen to the audio here:
>>> You can watch the video here:
Here’s the full list of questions that people in our community submitted, and that I answered / discussed with the group:
- How can we see and respond to this crisis in a 3P perspective. Is it possible at all?
- What does “innate health” mean in this context? How might reminding ourselves of it help (or not)?
- What is the next right direction to take into unknown, uncharted, and uncertain territory?
- How to maintain balance and awareness (along with innate health mentioned above) – ie not going off the deep end?
- I would love coaching on “seeing this in oneself”. When I look at other people, I see beauty, resilience and I can point at who they really are with ease. When it comes to seeing this in me, I become quite blind.
- Here’s a challenge for you – as a GP (ie. a medical doctor) having interactions with people mostly over the phone now, in a short phone call, how can I have maximum impact on relieving anxiety around Corona? Clearly most won’t have any appreciation of the 3P perspective.
Once again, if you want to listen to / watch the full session, you don’t need to register. Just use the relevant link to get instant access:
>>> You can listen to the audio here:
>>> You can watch the video here:
Big love
Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach