The CLARITY® model refers to the natural capacity for experience – thinking, feeling and perceiving – that all human beings are born with. This innate capacity generates 100% of our experience of life, moment-to-moment.

The CLARITY® model represents a new paradigm for our understanding of how the mind works, and how life works. As such, it may also represent the next stage in human evolution.

While the external circumstances of life ebb and flow, CLARITY® creates our experience of those circumstances; the good and the bad, the blessings and the curses, the ups and the downs. CLARITY® is what’s behind our experience of life. It’s the source of…

  • Peace of mind, clarity and wellbeing – that sense of feeling at ease, comfortable in your own skin.
  • Peak performance, including the flow states that give rise to excellence (what musicians, dancers and athletes sometimes refer to as “being in the zone”).
  • The resiliency and inner sense of security that gives individuals and organisations the ability to thrive and flourish in times of uncertainty, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Creativity, imagination and the “quantum leaps” that bring fresh ideas, new perspectives and innovative solutions to problems.
  • The sense of love and connection we feel with others (it’s also responsible for that sense of connection with life itself that people experience in moments of transcendence).
  • It generates happiness, joy and contentment, as well as the sense of freedom and aliveness we all desire. Our ability to “be in the present” and “live in the now” is also the result of CLARITY®.
  • Wisdom, intuition and the “gut feeling” that helps us make great decisions. It’s behind our ability to have insights and a-ha moments, as we learn, grow and evolve.
  • CLARITY® is also the source of passion and purpose, that sense of focus and direction that helps human beings thrive.

Mental and Emotional Lifestyle

This list summarises the kind of high-quality “mental and emotional lifestyle” human beings experience when we’re aligned and in-tune with CLARITY®. While people’s tastes vary when it comes to the material aspects life vary, a high-quality mental and emotional lifestyle looks good on everybody!
But there’s a problem…

Most people spend surprisingly little time experiencing the benefits of alignment with CLARITY®. And when they’re out of alignment with it, that same innate capacity generates many of the problems we experience as a species, including…

  • Mental illness, depression, stress and addiction
  • Relationship problems and a variety of forms of conflict
  • Lack of productivity and focus
  • Stress, struggle and seeking
  • Lack of purpose and direction
  • Over-thinking, burnout and mental breakdown

So why don’t people spend more time in-tune with CLARITY® and experiencing the high-quality mental and emotional lifestyle that alignment provides? Why are so many individuals, businesses and entire societies paying the price of a low-quality state of mind?

An Elusive Misunderstanding

Because we’ve been caught in an elusive misunderstanding; a life-draining superstition that’s been passed on for thousands of years. All of our well-intentioned efforts are grounded in this widely accepted superstition about how the mind works, and how life works.

Our conditioning, our culture and even our own neurologies have conspired in creating the elusive misunderstanding that’s been holding us back, individually and collectively, until now. And that raises a question…


What has to happen for an individual, an organisation and even an entire society to shift from the path we’ve been on, to one where we’re living our most inspired, beautiful, fulfilling lives; a life that fits perfectly?


An awakening of understanding… a paradigm shift… genuine transformation

Genuine Transformation

Transformation is not about incremental change. Genuine transformation means a profound and permanent shift in how we relate to ourselves, other people and the world at large. Transformation is a process. The caterpillar undergoes a transformation and a butterfly emerges. In the same way, our most inspiring, beautiful lives may be very different from where we are now. Just as the caterpillar probably isn’t consciously aware of the butterfly it will become, we may not even be consciously aware of what our most inspiring lives look like yet…

CLARITY® isn’t something you learn how to use, apply or do – it’s something you were born with, and that you’ve been “using” your whole life. And that’s where it gets really interesting. You see, as you begin to understand CLARITY® more and more deeply, you start experiencing an increase in the quality of your mental and emotional lifestyle, and a reduction in the impediments to it.

The Chinese philosopher Lao-Tse famously said…

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.”

As you’ll discover as you explore the resources on this website, a transformation in our understanding of how life works is our best bet for a sustainable, fulfilling future for us as individuals, organisations, societies, and as a species. This website is devoted to…

  1. Helping you deepen your insightful understanding of CLARITY®, and start experiencing the benefits of a high-quality mental and emotional lifestyle.
  2. Supporting you in your own transformation, as you awaken to this new paradigm.
  3. Connecting you with other explorers on this path, as we share a vision for Awakened Humanity, the next step in our evolution as a species.

I don’t suggest you take my word for any of this. Instead, I invite you to explore the resources on offer here, and evaluate them against your own experience. Put it to the test in your life / your relationships / your organisations. Conduct your own experiments and make up your own mind.

To support you in your exploration, I encourage you to stay connected and get involved with our fellow explorers and tribe-members.

I look forward to meeting you in the future.