TTE 174 – Internal dialogue and medicine for the soul
It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog below.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
At last week’s Resilient Young Minds conference, my friend and colleague Dr Rani Bora gave a beautiful talk called, “No-one Is Broken.” Rani’s a psychiatrist, and she explained that the word “psychiatry” means “medicine for the soul (it comes from the words “psyche” meaning soul and “iatre” meaning medicine). Then she asked this question:
“What medicine does a soul need? I’m posing that to you, because how will we ever find it? Will it come in lotions, in potions? Is it going to be tablets, capsules? And in what dose? As physicians, one of the things we have is a prescription pad. And a wise physician once said, “If someone is really struggling, give them love.” He was asked what to do if that doesn’t work, and he replied, “Increase the dose.”
2. My keynote from the Resilient Young Minds conference
In this week’s episode of the Get Clarity Podcast, you’re going to hear a keynote speech I gave at the Resilient Young Minds conference called ‘A Vision For The Future’. The conference was attended by Teachers, school leaders, Youth Workers, Charity workers, Coaches, Parents, Business owners and a number of young people who joined us. The conference set out to demonstrate that young people:
• Are not broken
• Do not need to be ‘fixed’
• Have resilience, resourcefulness and wellbeing inbuilt
I was joined by many friends and colleagues, and it was really heartening to see how many young people and people who support young people are being moved by this understanding.
My team and I believe the most valuable thing a person can discover is the truth of who they really are, so this conference was a great opportunity for us to take a next step towards our vision: to inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing.
You can listen to my 16-minute keynote, “A Vision For The Future” here
3. This week’s glimpse of the future
MIT researchers have developed a computer interface that can transcribe the voice in your head. This is about to get really weird:
4. Something I’m super excited about
My team and I are getting ready to release our first product since coming up with our new vision and direction for the company. We’ve been working on this for over a year, and I’m really excited about it. I’m not quite ready to unveil it yet, but I’ll give you a taste:
– It’s focused on waking you up to who you really are
– It will also help you wake others up to who they really are
– It’s the first ‘lower priced’ product we’ve created in years
– We’ll have it ready for you before the holidays!
– I’m also insanely proud of it (nobody’s released anything like this before!)
Watch this space and I’ll be revealing all in the next couple of weeks.
5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
Here’s a delicious helping of cheesy 2001 goodness from Finnish groovers The Crash. This takes me back to my days of playing in bands in oxford in the early 90s, and it’s called Star:
That’s it for this week!
Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach
PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 8 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:
1. Listen to the ‘Get Clarity’ Podcast
2. Hire me to speak at your event:
If you’re a coach or interested in becoming one…
3. Join The Thriving Coaches Facebook group
4. Listen to The Thriving Coaches Podcast
5. Take part in the Thriving Coaches Blueprint. our 90 day, rapid-implementation programme to help you get more clients and grow your coaching or therapy practice (next registration early 2019!)
6. Learn more about the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme, our 10-month deep-immersion into the principles behind clarity (Next programme starts, January 2020).
If you’re looking to change job, career or move from FTE to something more fulfilling…
7. Join the Transition Launchpad Facebook group
8. Learn more about Escape Velocity: The Transition Blueprint our 90-day programme to help you transition into doing fulfilling work.