JST 28 – The 3 keys to making your living from the inside out

“There is no amount of money in the world that will make you comfortable
if you are not comfortable with yourself.”
Stuart Wilde
I was having a conversation with a young man the other day, a man who was passionate about coaching, and making a profound difference in people’s lives. He desperately wanted to make a living doing this, but was struggling to take the next step. My heart went out to him, as I could see, hear and feel exactly why he was struggling. 

He had learned dozens of “coaching techniques”, but his lack of “grounding” meant he was all over the place. A person’s grounding is their embodied understanding of how life works. When a person has a deep grounding in the inside-out nature of life, they often show up as comfortable in their own skin, playful, connected, possibility-oriented. When a person is lost in the outside-in illusion, they often show up as insecure, needy, and “sketchy”. The young man was lost in the outside-in illusion.

I explained to him that in our field, most coaches (90% plus) are making little or no money. They aren’t making a living doing the thing they feel inspired to do. But if you look at the “superstars” who are generating 6-figure and even 7-figure incomes (as they make a real difference in the lives of others), you’ll discover that there are 3 essential keys that each and every one of them has in place. And here’s the bottom line:

If you’re a master of all three keys, then you’re probably already making a six or seven figure income, doing work you love and making a real difference in the lives of other people. 

If that’s not the case, then the fact of the matter is that you haven’t yet learned and embodied these 3 keys.

So without further ado, in descending order, here’s an infographic with the 3 keys to making a living doing what you love. As you’ll see, key number 1 is the foundation that keys number 2 and 3 are built on. Most “how to” issues seem like they’re a “Key 3” problem, but most of the time, they’re a function of an issue with Key 1 or Key 2. If you want to build a tall building, you need to lay a deep foundation. It’s the same if you want to make a living from the inside out.

3 Keys Infographic
If you want to hear me describe the 3 keys in a little more depth, you can watch the video above. If you want to dive in and develop the 3 keys more deeply for yourself, you can join me at the “Making Your Living From The Inside Out” event on June 7-8 in London, or via live-streaming from wherever you are. Details here: www.JamieSmart.com/awake
I look forward to connecting with you soon!

To your increasing clarity,

