JST 65 – Instant Awakening: A brutal yet gentle subtraction

Earlier this week, I saw a post on Facebook from one of my clients, Juanita Jay Johnson (a coach, copywriter and content creator). I met Jay a few months ago at the Business Startup Show when she came and listened to a 45 minute talk I gave. It was a busy, noisy environment, but Jay heard something. I mean really heard something. It's a story of the instant awakening that's there for every person, including you, and all the people who matter to you. When I read her post on Facebook, I knew I had to share it with you.

Over to you, Jay…

I met Jamie Smart on 28th November 2014 at a business expo show. I had seen his book Clarity everywhere and I kept saying to myself "I must get that book". Well cut a long story short I Iooked at the event programme & seen that he was giving a talk in less than 15 mins. I remember rushing through the exhibition wanting to make sure I caught the talk. Jamie shared the principles behind his book Clarity and I was blown away by his message.

It wasn't about him it was all about me and what I already possessed. I realised that what I had been searching for in addiction, religion , personal development and countless other things was inside me all the time. I went up to Jamie after his talk and he signed my book. I said to him "So what you are saying is that all I need to be is myself right? " Jamie looked at me and said "Yep you got it Jay!". I left the room floating as if I had forgotten how to walk and remembered how to live.

I read the book cover to cover when I got home and slowly I realised that what has actually been happening up to this present moment since reading the book was not addition (more stuff to implement less me) but brutal yet gentle subtraction. (More me less stuff to implement).

Everyday something drops off in my thinking & then in my experience. Leaving me with a sense of support I never saw before, Love I never knew i had , Understanding that keeps giving Courage that keeps me going and a smile that keeps shining. I said to Jamie that day that I was going to come to Clarity School (that's what I called it smile emoticon ) Jamie said "Sure we'd love to have you" at the time when I saw the price I didn't know how I would ever be able to afford such a venture but something said "You'll figure it out" and I did smile emoticon

You know to a point my intellect still has no bloody idea what's going on but I know without a shadow of a doubt. I am on the right path because it's me. It always has been me. Every tear, every trauma, every smile, every experience was me trying to find me. What I had spent over 24 years looking for I actually had all the time. Jamie I'm not sure if you know how grateful I am you made that choice to be you. To share this understanding and to open your heart wide enough to let me in to this understanding of how life really works.

I don't know your story Jamie Smart but I know mine and because of that book and the understanding you shared my life & business will never be the same. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and creating this space where so many people can finally see what they have been looking for all along .. Themselves

Your choice to be you has given me the understanding it is more than ok for me to be me. I didn't know the surprise wisdom had for me at that business expo on the 28th November 2014 but I do know that nothing is ever going to be the same because of that one encounter with Clarity. Not a guru's or super man coaches Clarity . On that day you pointed me to Clarity of my very own. 
Honestly Jamie thank you …
Juanita Jay Johnson

One of the things I love about Jay’s post is that it speaks to a simple fact: one insight, a single new thought, can change your life. This is the essence of instant awakening. That one new thought can show up in the middle of a book, in the midst of a training programme, or partway through a busy workday. But here’s the thing: it’s not so important where and when it shows up. What’s important is the fact that you’ve evolved for it to show up. Insight (fresh new thinking) is a natural part of the mind’s functioning. And the more you orient yourself in the direction of the principles behind clarity, the more you’re going to benefit from your mind’s natural capacity for insight. Just like Jay is.

By the way: One of the places you can experience that “fresh new thought” is while you’re listening to something that moves you. On Tuesday, I recorded a 20-minute “clarity capsule” called Instant Clarity, and I want you to have this audio as my gift to you, to coincide with the launch of my new book, The Little Book of Clarity.

I’m guessing this will turn out to be one of those things you’re going to listen to every time you need a little clarity, so I’m delighted to share it with you, as well as some additional bonuses to whet your appetite. When you enter your details right now, you’re going to get…


The preface and first 2 chapters of my new book The Little Book of Clarity, sent straight to your tablet, phone or computer…






lbc_audio-download150pxInstant access to the Instant Clarity audio for you to download and start listening to immediately…



clarity-day-panel150pxAdvance VIP notification on Clarity Day (March 12th) so you can get your copy from Amazon, and claim your additional bonuses…




FullSizeRenderThe chance to join in the fun and come on the adventure with me and the rest of the Clarity Community in the days and weeks ahead…






Even if you don't end up buying the book on March 12th, I want you to enjoy this powerful free content as my gift to you. 

>> Enter your details here and download to get started right now,

I’m really happy that you’re sharing this journey with me, and vice-versa

To your increasing clarity,

Big love

PS I’m going to be doing something very interesting on Clarity Day, and there’s definitely going to be a big advantage to being on the VIP list and getting advance access, so enter your details to make sure you don’t miss out…