JST 80 – The wisdom of fascination and the beauty of backwards

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. 

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

Steve Jobs

In this week’s article, we’re going to be exploring a powerful “inner guidance system” that we all have, and that is already guiding you in creating a life you love. I’ll go further; for reasons I’ll explain later, the fact that you’re reading this is a signal that this guidance is alive and well in you, and that you can trust it to help create the results and experiences that matter to you.

Our story starts in the late 1990s, when I was working as a Programme Management Consultant in London’s Swiss Cottage area. When I had a lunchtime spare, you’d find me in Waterstones bookshop, poring over books; books about the mind, about influence, about change. I was fascinated. And when people asked me why I was always buying these books, I would answer, “I don’t know; I’m just really interested in this.” In 1998, I attended my first training course and I became even more fascinated and passionate about people, the mind, and how people change. And still when people asked me why, I didn’t really know.

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself browsing in Waterstones in Swiss Cottage for the first time in ages, when all of a sudden it hit me. I remembered all the hours I’d spent there, leafing through hypnosis books and reading about spirituality. I remember the feeling of excitement when I’d decided to buy a new book and was getting ready to pay for it. As it all came flooding back, I realised that where I am today owes so much to the fascination of 18 years ago. If you’d asked me where I was headed, I couldn’t have given you the answer, but something inside me knew, even though I wasn’t aware of it.

Something inside you knows. There’s an intelligence at the core of your being that knows where you’re going.

One of the ways that intelligence shows up is through your fascinations, passions and interests. These days I’m often fascinated with books and videos that don’t look anything like the things I “should” be studying, but I find that as you follow that fascination, you create possibilities. The fact that you’re reading this article, or the contents of the stack of books beside your bed may be a sign of that fascination.

And here’s the kicker; as I browsed the “Mind” section of Waterstones, I came across a copy of my book, The Little Book of Clarity on the shelf. And that’s when it hit me; when I was hanging out here in the late 1990s, I didn’t have the ambition to write a book. I didn’t even have the ambition to become a coach. I just knew that I was fascinated, and that a change was in the wind.

When you follow your fascinations, who knows where they will lead! 

To your increasing clarity,

Big love


PS We’ve now launched both the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme and the Certified Clarity Trainer Training Programme. Here’s the skinny: 

The Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme is for people who are either a) working as a coach / changeworker, b) aspire to make your living as a coach / changeworker or c) want to massively deepen your grounding in the principles behind clarity, and have it impact your relationships, livelihood and experience of life.  If that's you and you'd like to have the info, just send me an email to jsmart@jamiesmart.com and change the subject line to Coach Info Please

The Certified Clarity Trainer Training Programme is for people who have already done a 3P facilitator / coach programme and now want to get this out into the world. If that's you and you'd like to have the info,just send me an email to jsmart@jamiesmart.com and change the subject line to Trainer Info PleaseBest, Jamie