JST 81 – Clarity and addiction

"You can never get enough of second best, because it's so unsatisfying."
Mandy Evans

If you’ve been concerned about addiction or compulsive habits and are exploring the possibility of making some changes, you might be interested in how this phenomenon looks when viewed through the lens of the principles behind clarity…You can read the rest of this article here:



To your increasing clarity,


PS We’ve now launched both the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme and the Certified Clarity Trainer Training Programme. Here’s the skinny: 

The Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme is for people who are either a) working as a coach / changeworker, b) aspire to make your living as a coach / changeworker or c) want to massively deepen your grounding in the principles behind clarity, and have it impact your relationships, livelihood and experience of life.  If that's you and you'd like to have the info, just send me an email at jsmart@jamiesmart.com and change the subject line to Coach Info Please.

The Certified Clarity Trainer Training Programme is for people who have already done a 3P facilitator / coach programme and now want to get this out into the world. If that's you and you'd like to have the info, just send me an email at jsmart@jamiesmart.com and change the subject line to Trainer Info Please Best, Jamie