JST 112 – Peace, power and potential

As I shared with you in JST 86, we’ve been joined on the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme this year by Mahima Shrestha, who’s participating on the course as part of the #WorldClarity Project.

You may remember that Mahima was caught up in the devastating earthquakes in Nepal in April and May 2015 and reached out to me following her experiences. She’d  been exploring the principles behind clarity after recalling a particular passage from my book.  In the midst of the chaos of last year’s events, she had a sudden realisation into the innate “psychological safety” we all have, and her world changed. My team and I have been working closely with Mahima over the last few months to help her deepen her own grounding in these principles, and have had the pleasure of supporting her as she’s taken her growing understanding into her own work and personal projects.

Mahima recently shared with me and her course mentor (our Head Coach, Jonny Bowden) the following thoughts and reflections on her experiences of the course so far. With her full permission, I share with you what she offered to us…

Clarity- its Power and Potential (Mahima’s Mid-term report)

Beyond Trauma- thriving in an uncertain world
In the 8 months since the earthquake in Nepal, I have seen the broad and all pervasive relevance of these principles. An understanding of the foundational principles behind how we function as human beings and ‘how life works’ changes everything from career planning and good governance to crisis response and parenting. It takes us beyond trauma and problem solving to experiencing the full spectrum of a rich human life.

The Possibility of Peace
In countries like Nepal where things take time and change doesn’t happen as fast and as well as you want {which, in some ways, could be all countries!} the principles remind us that we don’t need to postpone peace till the world around us changes.

It shows us the possibility for us to experience an internal ease and light-heartedness. That this actually increases our resilience and resourcefulness in the face of challenges has been an entirely new perspective for me and I have seen the truth of that over and over again this year.

Change from the point of view of clarity is not complex.

The Power of Patience
Allowing learning to unfold in its own time is something that the Clarity Coach Training program has underlined for me. The year-long program gives us an opportunity to stay in the conversation for an extended period of time, allowing insights to surface and understanding to deepen in its own time.

I have come to see that kind of patience as a core part of taking the message of the principles into the world- that there is wisdom in patience, in nourishing people’s desire to learn more about this while letting people come to it in their own time. This is the foundation for all the principles-based work I am doing in Asia.

When I am content, there is no urgency for other people to change.

The Fact of Natural Intelligence
We are born learners and explorers. With no carrots and sticks, no goal lists and affirmation charts we learn to mimic faces, speak languages, walk and grow, draw and tell stories. We are taking life as it comes. We don’t have this sense of needing to figure out the next move or the end game. Then at some point we get the idea that we should know. We should know how things need to be, how things should turn out, how people should behave.

As we reclaim the ease of those early years it unleashes something in us that we see in very young children- an endless capacity for joy, freedom to enjoy the present moment, infinite creativity and energy for life.

That potential is there in us no matter what the circumstances.

To me that is the power and potential of what the Clarity program is teaching. It is directly practical and relevant to your individual life and at the same time can radically shift the direction of humanity.

Mahima Shrestha January 2016

It’s my absolute pleasure to be working with Mahima on the course this year and I look forward to what the future holds for her and those she works with.

If you’d like to experience what Mahima has on my Coach Training course, we’ve recently opened the doors on the 2016-17 intake of the programme. It’s available both Live in Person in London and remotely via Live Streaming (courtesy of our super-upgraded technology). To get a sense of whether the course would be a good fit for you, please visit https://www.jamiesmart.com/clarity-coach-training-programme/. If you’d like to schedule a conversation with a member of the Team to explore further, please email info@jamiesmart.com

PS. If you’d like watch the video of Mahima joining me at the front of the room at September’s Module, you can find this here.