JST 132 – A Coaching Breakthrough Unpacked

Image courtesy of DammitKarissa and flickr

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C Clarke

Last month, you may have seen a video I sent out of a breakthrough coaching session I did with coach Liz Scott around how to transition from hourly rates to a “package” model. I got a big response to the video, with lots of curiosity about how I managed to guide Liz into such a big shift in such a short period of time. So… I decided to get the entire session transcribed, and then to go through it, line by line, and make notes about what was going on. Specifically, what I was noticing, what I was responding to, and what was guiding my questions. I’ve reproduced the first page of the annotated transcript below, and if you’re a geek like me and want to download the full 10-page annotated transcript, you can get it at www.JamieSmart.com/transcript as my gift to you (you can watch the 20-minute video here www.JamieSmart.com/transcript at the same time). Here’s the first page…


Liz: Jamie, it’s great to see you. Thank you so much for offering to do a little bit of coaching with me. I really appreciate that, so how do we go about this?

Jamie: Well, um, my usual approach is I say, “So what do you want? What would you like to get some coaching on?” and then you say something and then we take it from there.

Liz: Okay, sounds good. I’m on Glasswing at the moment, which is one of your programs, so I think what would be really helpful is one of the things that you talk about is about moving as a coach from the charging by the hour to a package model of working. Now, I’ve come across this before, but it’s really opening my eyes as to what that might be, and I guess there’s still a little bit of confusion for me around that at the moment.

Jamie: Well, now, what are you confused about?

Liz: Well, I guess part of the learning curve is what is a package? I notice also when it comes to charging I have a sort of a real flurry of nerves and I think about clients and think, “Oh, could they afford it? What will they say?” So there’s a couple of things going on for me there. One is, I guess, a bit practical. I’m learning about this as I’m hearing other people talk about packages, so that’s the learning thing. Then there’s this thing about, oh, charging.

Jamie’s Comments

At the heart of the CLARITY coaching approach is a simple model: Calibration Connection Education. I’m not thinking about this consciously while I’m working with someone (I’m generally hanging out in a good feeling, with nothing on my mind), but it does explain what I’m aiming for with a client (education) and how I get there (calibration and connection). Liz had been interviewing me for the previous 30 minutes, so we already had a nice connection at the start of the session. If we were starting from “cold”, I would likely have spent a little more time getting into rapport / connection with Liz.

My general starting point for a coaching session is some sort of variation on “What do you want?” e.g.
– What do you want?
– What would be wonderful?
– What would you like to have happen?
– If I could wave a magic wand… etc

What are you confused about? This is calibration / intake. I’m trying to get a bead on what’s going on for Liz, calibrating where she’s at.

That’s all for this week, but if you’d like to download the full, 10-page annotated transcript and geek out over it, you can get it for free here (you can watch the 20-minute video here www.JamieSmart.com/transcript too).

To your increasing clarity
Big love

P.S. Just over three years ago, I launched the first ever Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme.

We’ve just completed the 3rd year, and we’re building a close-knit community of highly-skilled, Certified Clarity Coaches. As well as the students who join us live in-person, we’ve got people training with us from all around the world (from as far afield as Brazil and Australia) via our state-of-the-art virtual technology.

So I’m happy to announce the 2016 / 2017 programme, and we’ve made some changes. The programme is by application only, and the selection criteria is strict.

>>> You can find the full details here https://www.jamiesmart.com/clarity-coach-training-sh/

We’ve just opened the door for applications, and we’ve put a strict limit on numbers – so register your interest now to make sure your hat is in the ring.

P.P.S. the early booking discount on this programme expires on 30th July so I encourage you to take a look now