JST 136 – The Power of the Scorecard

Photo courtesy of Maik Meid and flickr 

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A “scorecard” is a simple tool for self-to-self comparison, with the aim of helping you take a clear-eyed look at strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to grow. As well as helping you set a direction for your evolution, it can also be a valuable tool for evaluating your progress. So over the past couple of months, I’ve been developing and testing the Exponential Practice Scorecard. It’s been designed specifically for transformation professionals (coaches, therapists, consultants, trainers, nutritionists etc) in the context of growing a practice.

As the scorecard developed, I was inspired to create a Facebook group and even a Podcast (launching soon). I launched the Facebook group a couple of weeks ago, and it’s already become a vibrant community of transformation professionals who want to grow their practice, get exponential results and live a life they love.

And here’s where it starts to get interesting: The Exponential Practice Scorecard lists 10 “professional practice multipliers”, specific areas you can focus on to grow your practice. Here are a few of them:

Practice Multiplier #1: Grounded Certainty
Practice Multiplier #3: Authentic Leadership
Practice Multiplier #5: Transformational Impact
Practice Multiplier #9: Exponential Practice

For each multiplier, you evaluate yourself on a scale of 1-12, with “guide descriptions” across the range. Here’s an example:


If you’re a transformation professional, or you aspire to be, you might like to join the community on Facebook. It’s a private group, but it’s free to join here https://www.jamiesmart.com/expo. When you get there, you can get the full scorecard, as well as free access to the videos I’ve already created (so far I’ve done “Tribal Engagement”, “Transformational Impact” and “Exponential Practice”.

But even if you’re not a transformation professional, you might still like to give some thought to how you could use a scorecard in your own work, or some area you’d like to evolve in.

I’m encouraging the people in the Exponential Practice Community to print the Exponential Practice Scorecard off, make a note of the scores, then repeat the exercise each month (for instance). One of the reasons I’ve developed the scorecard is that it can create a diagnostic tool for you, as well as give distinctions that help you open up new possibilities, set a direction, build momentum and measure your progress.

If you’re a transformation professional or aspire to be one, you can join the Facebook community where you’ll get the scorecard for FREE here https://www.jamiesmart.com/expo.

See you there!
Big love

PS I made a mistake. I was talking to a member of my community about the 2016/17 Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme and she said she’d love to come but couldn’t pay for it all at once. When I told her we have flexible payment plans, she was shocked. She hadn’t realised. The programme starts in September, and the price goes up at the end of August. The programme is by application only, is available via live-streaming around the world or in-person in London. If you want to be considered for one of the places, check out the details and find out how to apply now at https://www.jamiesmart.com/clarity-coach-training-sh/ – once your application is in, we can explore payment options if necessary.

PPS If you want to follow me on snapchat, you can find me at @jsmart999 or scan my snapcode below:
