JST 152 – Evolutionary Ecosystem
Photo courtesy of chattygd and Flickr
“You become like who you hang around with.”
Someone’s Wise Granny
Welcome to the 10th and final part of the series of articles on the 10 professional practice multipliers from the Exponential Practice Scorecard Book https://www.jamiesmart.com/scorecard/. Each week I’ll be explaining them and looking at how you can leverage them to grow your practice, and here’s the thing: Whether you’re a transformation professional or not, you’re going to discover that these 10 multipliers apply to almost everyone (at least, with a little creativity). This week, we’ll be looking at Multiplier Number 10 – Evolutionary Ecosystem.
NB This week’s professional practice multipliers are focused around your total evolution. As such, the final professional practice multiplier is a “meta-multiplier”; it’s an accelerant for everything we’ve covered so far. If Parts One, Two and Three each cover a specific transformation, Part Four looks at how you can accelerate the whole process of transformation, taking your learning, evolution and growth to an exponential level. This is the key to breaking free from the linear, incremental models we’ve been taught and tapping into the source of exponential evolution that’s there within you.
Multiplier Number Ten: Evolutionary Ecosystem
Professional practice multiplier number ten is exponential ecosystem and this affects all three transformations: grounding, impact and leverage.
A good way to think about this multiplier is in relation to the old idea that “You become like who you hang around with.” Now, is that an absolute truth? Not exactly, but there’s a lot of truth in it, because when you’re around other people who are also on the exponential practice journey, you can learn and grow very quickly.
In the first column, you wish you had the same qualities as the people you look up to. People commiserate with you about how difficult things are. You know the old saying “misery seeks company”. Well the last thing you need is people who commiserate with you at this stage. There is a lot more value in people who will lift you up and inspire you with what’s possible for you.
In column two, you focus your professional development on tactics and silver bullets, hoping to capitalize on ‘flavour of the month’ methods. As you probably already appreciate, growing an exponential practice is a long term game; although there are definitely quick wins to be found, a lot of your biggest leverage is going to come from your grounding and your impact.
In the third column, you take a long-term view, prioritizing your professional development. You aspire to be one of the pioneers who shape your profession. If you speak to people enjoying success as a transformation professional, you’ll almost always find that they’ve made a long-term commitment to this work.
In the exponential column – column four – you constantly evolve as a transformation professional, you surround yourself with successful pioneers who challenge and inspire you to new levels. There’s huge value in being around others who are pioneering and having a game-changing impact in the field. To make progress and improve in this practice multiplier there is a very simple step. Commit to your profession and to your professional development for the long term.
In terms of examples, well, everyone I’ve spoken about so far in this book is an example because each one of them is someone who’s committed to their professional development. They’ve committed to deepening their grounding, amplifying their impact and increasing their leverage, by working on all three of those transformations.
Not only are the people I’ve spoken about examples, I am an example too. Ever since I started down this path way back in 1996, I’ve sought out mentors, I’ve hired them to work with me. I’ve joined their programmes, I’ve read books, I listened to audios and I’ve continued to learn, develop and evolve in all three transformations.
And to this day I continue to seek out mentors, find exponential environments to hang out in and make a point of surrounding myself with people who I can support and who can support me in my own development.
So I encourage you to go through the scorecard once to evaluate where you are now and then to evaluate where you’d like to be in 6 months or a years’ time in each of the 10 categories. Keep a note of your scores and come back to it every month to review and recalibrate. Remember, any low scores you have are often low-hanging fruit where you can get a big return, relatively quickly.
To continue to improve your Exponential Practice Scorecard results, here are three ways you can take your grounding, impact and leverage to the next level (and start creating your own Evolutionary Ecosystem):
1 Go to www.JamieSmart.com/expo to get free access to the Exponential Practice Professional Group, a vibrant Facebook community of transformation professionals including coaches, consultants, therapists, trainers, nutritionists etc. It’s a great group of people to be around if you want to grow your practice, get exponential results and live a life you love.
2 Subscribe to Your Exponential Practice Podcast at www.JamieSmart.com/yepp and listen to powerful and entertaining interviews with transformation professionals like you who have created exponential practices and can share their insights, realizations and discoveries with you.
3 Join the www.CoachingPackagePower.com virtual programme to transform your practice, transition to a coaching package model and increase your client base, impact and income.
Get Started Now at www.JamieSmart.com/expo
Big love
Project Glasswing (aka Coaching Package Power) kicked off last weekend, and we had a great time working on all this stuff. If you’d like to be considered for a future glasswing, I’m looking for 36 very specific people:
– You are a coach, therapist or change-worker (Eg. Sports coach, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, business coach, bodyworker etc)
– You have at least one year’s experience of working with clients (either paid, pro-bono or both)
– You probably charge by the hour, but want to use a “coaching package” model and increase your income
– You have room to work with at least one longer term contract client, starting in 2017
– You’re an enthusiastic, friendly people-person
– You have a coachable spirit, and are willing to step out of your comfort zone if necessary, and
– You can keep a secret
If that’s you, then email me at info@jamiesmart.com, and let me know where you’re located and a little about yourself (if you don’t know what to tell me about, look at the list above for inspiration). Change the subject line to “Project Glasswing JST”. Talk to you soon!
To your increasing clarity
Big love