JST 224 – Your Calling

“We must therefore be willing to get shaken up, to submit ourselves to the dark blossomings of chaos, in order to reap the blessings of growth. Rejection is a writer’s best friend. If you are not failing regularly, you are living so far below your potential that you’re failing anyway.”
― Gregg Levoy

I’ve been preparing for an online masterclass I’m doing this Thursday called “The 5 Paradoxical Clues To The Work You’re Here To Do” and I’ve created a free guide to give you an idea of the kind of things we’re going to be covering in it.

I’ve found that countless people have the sense that there’s something they’re “here to do”; a calling or vocation that they’re passionate about and feel fulfilled by. But far fewer people have a clear sense of what that is, and are taking practical steps to making their calling a reality.

Instead, people say things like, “I’d do what I love, if only I knew what it was” and “I’d do what I love, if only I knew how to do it.”

But when you “answer the call” and start moving forward (even if you’re not sure what your calling is), you’re going to discover that it’s simpler than you may have been led to believe. Here’s the first of the 5 paradoxical clues to the work you’re here to do – you can download the guide with all 5 clues free here: www.JamieSmart.com/fiveclues

Paradoxical Clue Number 1. Your calling is something you enjoy; it’s fascinating to you
At the core of the work you’re here to do is something that’s enjoyable and fascinating to you. It may be something you’ve been exploring, reading about or experimenting with, perhaps for many years.

So why is this paradoxical? Because the thing you turn out to love doing, may be something that you don’t know how to do yet, or even something that’s scary to you at the moment.

>>> You can get access to this Thursday’s Online Masterclass for free here
>>> The 5 Paradoxical Clues To The Work You’re Here To Do
>>> Thursday June 7th at 8pm UK / 12pm PST / 3pm ET

I look forward to seeing you Thursday!

Big love

Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

Jamie Smart
Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 5 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:

1. Hire me to speak at your event
If you want an entertaining and impactful keynote speech or breakout session for your conference, offsite or town hall meeting, click here https://www.jamiesmart.com/book-jamie-to-speak-about/

If you’re a coach…

2. Join The Thriving Coaches facebook group
Connect with the growing community of like-minded transformation professionals who are passionate about exponentially increasing their grounding, impact and their livelihood. You can join for free here.

3. Take part in the Thriving Coaches Blueprint
We’re putting together a new practice-building group at The Thriving Coaches Blueprint in August. We’ll be won’t be opening the doors for a couple of months, but if you’d like to find out more now and put your name on the wait list, go to https://www.jamiesmart.com/thriving/

If you’re looking to change job, career or move from FTE to something more fulfilling…

4. Join the Transition Launchpad facebook group
This community is for you if you’re thinking about changing your career or moving from full-time employment to something more fulfilling and “on-purpose” for you. You can join for free here.

5. Take part in Escape Velocity: The Transition Blueprint.
If you’re ready to start taking action and transition to doing fulfilling work, the doors on this programme open in June.  Click here to let us know you’re interested and we’ll get back to you with details and to find out whether you’re a good fit for the programme (and vice versa). I’m Interested

PLUS: check these out :

Listen to the ‘Get Clarity’ Podcast www.jamiesmart.com/claritynow/

Listen to The Thriving Coaches Podcast www.jamiesmart.com/tcp