JST35 – Uncovering The Hidden Power of the Group

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead
Cultural Anthropologist

Five years ago (in the summer of 2009) I recorded a brief video about about what I consider to be a new paradigm in psychology, and the hope it offers for the future of humanity. I felt like a bit of a lone voice back then, but I knew in my heart that I was on the right track. I intuitively knew that I needed to surround myself with people who were looking in a similar direction, so I started my Mastermind group the following year. I was touched to discover that others resonated with the direction I was pointing in, and pretty soon we had a growing community of people exploring the inside-out understanding. Then, last year, my book CLARITY became an international number 1 bestseller, and I launched the Certified Clarity Practitioner Programme. As the programme progressed, the Clarity Practitioners-in-training started seeing the impact the principles behind clarity were having in their own lives, and the lives of their clients. And that’s when something amazing happened…

One by one, Clarity Practitioners started approaching me, saying they shared my vision. They told me that they wanted to get more involved, that they wanted to contribute, that they wanted to help. They offered their time, their energy and their expertise. They offered their trust, their passion and their love. And so #TeamClarity was born. It transpired that Certified Clarity Coach Donna Churchman is also an award winning designer. She volunteered to design CLARITY business cards for her fellow Clarity coaches, as well as other CLARITY-branded materials (watch this space!). Then, Clarity Practitioner Jo Munday, a talented video producer, told me she wanted to create a Clarity animation. I had been wanting to create an animation for ages, but didn’t know how. Jo did. She had a vision for it, and the know-how to bring it all together, and she started recording interviews with some of the first people I certified as Clarity Practitioners; Donald Deacy, Gillian Fox, Maureen York and Naila Darr. Then, Jo selected the sentiments that would translate well into images, and she started working with an animator to create something extraordinary.

What Jo created is only 2 minutes and 17 seconds, yet I’ve seen it reduce people to tears. I’m proud, privileged and delighted to unveil “The Clarity Feeling”! 

You can watch and share “That Clarity Feeling” here xxxxxx

Once you’ve watched the video, I’d love it if you would get involved and share your own thoughts about what “That Clarity Feeling” means to you. You can post your comments here xxxxxxx

If you want to find out more about Jo Munday and her work, go to http://jo-munday.com/

By the way, Jo and Donna aren’t the only members of #TeamClarity to be doing amazing things. If you go to FaceBook and type in #TeamClarity, you’ll see a list of all the amazing events, online masterclasses and other creations that the Clarity Practitioners and Clarity Coaches are creating. I’m incredibly proud of this group of people, and blown away by what can happen when you uncover the hidden power of the group.

If you’d like to get a sense of the impact that understanding the principles behind clarity can have for you and your clients, check out the results people are getting on our Certified Clarity Practitioner Programme (LINK). #TeamClarity is growing every week, and the 2014/15 programme starts in September. The first 38 people have already booked their places, so there are only 10 places left, and the price goes up on July 31st. You can have a look now to find out if it’s a good fit for you (live-streaming options also available). You can get access to the full information here: https://www.jamiesmart.com/cpp-page-1/

The #ThoughtRevolution is in progress! To your increasing clarity,