JST 43 – Lack of Insecurity – The Secrets of Effortless Influence, Part 1- revisited

I’m out of the office on a trip to Australia for the next 4 weeks, so we’re re-running some of my most popular tips from last year, “The Secrets of Efforttless Influence”. If you’re coming to the events in Melbourne, I’ll see you there. Otherwise, I look forward to connecting with you when I return…


I do my best to ‘model’ the Effortless Influence model in everything I do. You can see it in action, while deepening your own understanding, by watching my new 2-part video here: https://www.jamiesmart.com/effortless-influence-in-action/

I meet so many people who tell me they’d love to earn a great living, doing what they love, but there’s a problem…

Not only do they not know how to sign up high-value, 5-figure coaching clients… They don’t even know what that LOOKS like!!!

So I’ve decided to lift the lid on this mysterious process. I’ve just released a 65-minute video that’s a real, live demo of me signing up a high-value coaching client in front of an exclusive group of 36 coaches, trainers, consultants and therapists taking part in my 2013/14 Certified Clarity Practitioner Programme…

The reason I’m sharing this valuable material is because the vast majority of coaches have little or no idea what the process of signing up a high-value client looks like…

And let’s face it… It doesn’t matter how much you want to make a difference to others and do what you love. If you can't sign up clients, it’s not going to happen… 

It’s kind of like someone who's passionate about skiing, but can't get on a chairlift!

So the first step is to give you a powerful reference experience of exactly what it looks like, sounds like and feels like to sign up a high-value client.

>> You can watch the entire video here

Once you’ve watched the video, I’d love it if you would post your comments and questions below it on the video page. I’m looking forward to reading your comments and answering your questions! 

To your increasing clarity,


Jamie Smart