JST 86 – Your infinite safety-net: Wisdom, resilience and results

“I know this world is ruled by Infinite Intelligence. It required Infinite Intelligence 
to create it and it requires Infinite Intelligence to keep it on its course.
Everything that surrounds us – everything that exists – proves 

that there are Infinite Laws behind it.
There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.”

Thomas Edison, Inventor

In this week’s article, we’re going to be looking at the fact that you have so much more going for you than you may have realised. We’re going to be exploring your infinite safety-net; the source of resilience and results.

Today, I received an email from someone explaining that she was full of fear – fear about the future, fear for her loved ones – and that this fear stopped her taking action. She was asking for my help and guidance. I started to reply, and then I remembered another email I received, from Mahima Shrestha. Mahima lives in Nepal, a region that was hit by a massive earthquake earlier this year. Here’s her email:

“You won’t believe how simple and profound my insight during the main earthquake day was! 🙂
This whole 3P thing for me was so crazy.
I was in a bookshop, not sure where. I saw Jamie Smart’s book CLARITY. This was like a year and a half…maybe 2 years ago. Opened a random page, read something about thought-feeling and a story. Meant to look up the book later and get the kindle version, never did.
So that was 2 years ago. This year, in April I suddenly remembered that thing i read… all i remembered was this line: 100% of your feelings are coming from your thinking in the moment.
Googled that phrase, found three principles and a whole host of resources. Watched lots of videos, got curious.
25th of that month, earthquake hit. Shit-scared the first few hours, like everybody else… and suddenly remembered where my feelings are coming from… which gave me this enormous sense of freedom and relief… I realized right in that moment I was as safe as I was ever going to be, as safe as I had ever been. And just like that, I was free and peaceful.
The part that gets me about this whole story is this: so… I feel like Mind is this enormous, all pervasive impersonal energy behind all of life…I feel that.
That this same energy behind ALL OF LIFE has the kindness and the bandwidth to give ME- one tiny human in this enormous universe- exactly what I need, when I need it… that blows me away.
That I read a line in a book, it stayed dormant for like 2 years and just before I was really going to need this understanding/insight…I remembered it and had time to look it up, become affected by it…”

The principle of Mind is an infinite intelligence that’s just as reliable (and just as impersonal) as the principle of gravity. This intelligence shows up in the incredible beauty and complexity of our physical bodies (for example, in our ability to digest food or heal from cuts and bumps. It shows up in the incredible beauty of our psychology and emotional life (for instance, in our ability to get fresh new insights, or get over bad moods). This infinite intelligence isn’t something you have to “do” or even “access”; it’s there in every moment of life, the second we fall out of our thinking and back into the moment. We’ve evolved for reality; to survive, thrive and succeed, whatever circumstances we’re faced with. From time to time, every one of us gets caught up in the outside-in illusion, believing our feelings are telling us about something other than Thought in the moment. It looks like we’re feeling the future or the past; like we’re feeling other people’s opinions or our own shortcomings. But that’s absolutely impossible. We’re always living in the feeling of Thought in this moment, and the second we wake up to that fact, we fall out of our misguided thinking and back into reality; back into the present. Wisdom always and only exists in the present moment. Our images of the future can never contain wisdom; neither can our memories of the past. But the present moment is bursting with intelligence, insight and resilience. 

And when we fall back into reality, we find that we have what we need for the moment.

I’m delighted to announce that, as part of the #WorldClarity project, we’ve decided to give Mahima a scholarship place on the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme, so she can continue deepening her understanding and sharing what she’s learning. The first 45 places on the programme have been booked, so there are only 19 places left, either in-person or via live-streaming. The first module starts on 19th September, and I’m delighted to announce that Mahima is going to be there (I’m looking forward to meeting you!)

To your increasing clarity,

Big love

PS If you’re interested in learning more about the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme, here’s the lowdown: 

The Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme is for people who are either a) working as a coach / changeworker, b) aspire to make your living as a coach / changeworker or c) want to massively deepen your grounding in the principles behind clarity, and have it impact your relationships, livelihood and experience of life.  If that’s you and you’d like to have the info, just email me at info@jamiesmart.com with the subject line to Coach Info Please. Best, Jamie