JST 91 – Waking up from the leadership delusion

Coaches: Turn Your Passion Into A Profitable Practice 
(and earn £2000 – £4000 per month)

Join me on my FREE Online Masterclass where I’m going to show you…

  • The “magic words” you can use at the start of your session to eliminate 100% of the “sales pressure” from the conversation, and free yourself to focus on doing what you love: coaching and serving your client!
  • The 3 essential transformations you have to navigate to start earning £2000 to £4000 a month as a coach (I’m also going to reveal the 7 psychological and behavioural landmines that guarantee failure)…
  • I’m going to introduce you to the New Client Navigator – a simple model you can use to get deeply connected with your client and uncover the hidden levers you need to activate their “Sign Up Now” buttons…
  • You’re going to discover the simple business-model tweak that will get your clients to give you cash in advance, pay a higher rate per session and start bragging to their friends about working with you…
  • The one thing you absolutely have to know if you want to move from “knowing it intellectually” to turning your passion into a profitable practice, and start getting paid what you’re worth…
  • The mindset, structure and language you need to know so you can free your mind to focus on your client, relaxed in the knowledge that you know exactly what you need to do and say when it’s time for your client to sign up now…

You can get the full details and get your free place here: https://www.jamiesmart.com/masterclass-2/

“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” 
Ralph Nader, Attorney consumer advocate, and political activist 

Back in May 2009, I had a sudden insight into the principles behind clarity: I realised that these principles represent a paradigm for psychology; bedrock constants that are a better predictive model than anything I’ve ever come across. At the time, this understanding was “psychology’s best kept secret”, but earlier this year, I had a surprise.

I walked into a WH Smiths bookshop in London to find 3 of the top 10 bestselling non-fiction books were about these principles (my book CLARITY, Chantal Burns’ book Instant Motivation and Michael Neill’s book The Inside Out Revolution). Michael, Chantal and I have all been inspired by these principles, and have taken steps to point others in this direction. While I’m not putting myself forward as a leader, it seems to me that this “intelligent inspiration” represents the essence of leadership. Here’s an excerpt from The Little Book of Clarity (©2015 Jamie Smart):

“Here’s the problem: Our business is growing steadily at 25%. We’re taking on new staff every year, but we haven’t found a way to develop new leaders at anything like the same rate…”

I was speaking with the practice manager for a consulting group that works with Global 1000 companies. His comments echo a sentiment I’ve heard repeatedly from company directors over the years, “We need more leaders; they’re hard to find and even harder to make!”

A recent search for the term “leadership” on Amazon returned 93,606 books. All over the world, people attend programmes, read books and listen to audios, trying to master the skills and qualities of leadership.

But if the 93,606 books were looking in the right direction, don’t you think we would have found the solution to “the leadership problem” by now?

I was working with a group recently, and we were exploring the subject of leadership. I invited the group to make a list of what they considered the causes of leadership to be. The list they came up with included:

– Vision 
– Passion 
– Goals
– Action
– Contribution 
– Flexibility
– Listening
– Being decisive 
– Stillness
– Teambuilding

While the items they’d identified are certainly valuable, they’re actually symptoms or “effects” of the leadership bug, rather than the causes.

DISTINCTION: Symptoms vs. Causes

Symptoms: Most leadership books and programmes make a valiant effort to help people master the “symptoms” of leadership; behaviours, skills and attitudes, modelled from success- ful leaders. Unfortunately, acting like you have the symptoms of leadership is similar to acting like you have a cold; difficult and unconvincing.

Causes: The source of leadership is the cause that gives rise to the symptoms. As you start to catch the “leadership bug”, you’ll find the symptoms of authentic leadership start emerging effortlessly and authentically.


So what causes leadership? What’s the “bug” that gives rise to these symptoms? And how does a person catch it?
– Good news: you’ve already got it; everyone has the “cause” of leadership within them.
– Bad news: for most people it’s covered over, shrouded in layers of contaminated thinking.
– Great news: as you increase your clarity of understanding, you awaken your innate capacity for leadership

You can increase your clarity of understanding and awaken your innate capacity for leadership by exploring the principles behind clarity here at JamieSmart.com

To your increasing clarity

Big love

P.S. “Leadership” is one of the things we explopre in-depth on Project Glasswing. Following the success of the beta-tests, I’m looking for a small group of very specific people for my final 'Project Glasswing' programme of 2015, launching at the end of October. Here’s what I’m looking for: 

– You are a coach, therapist or change-worker (Eg. Sports coach, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, business coach, bodyworker, homeopath etc) 
– You have at least one year’s experience of working with clients (either paid, pro-bono or both) 
– You probably charge by the hour, but want to use a “coaching package” model to increase your income & make it more consistent 
– You have space in your practice to work with at least one longer term contract client, starting in November 
– You’re an enthusiastic, friendly people-person 
– You have a coachable spirit, and are willing to step out of your comfort zone if necessary, and 
– You can keep a secret 

If that’s you, then just email me at info@jamiesmart.com, and let me know where you’re located and a little about yourself (if you don’t know what to tell me about, look at the list above for inspiration). NB: Make the subject line “Project Glasswing JST”. I’ll be choosing people in the next couple of weeks. Talk to you soon! J