FSOC – Legendary Speech: 20 million dollars in six minutes

One of my very first coaches once did a ‘pitch’ where (as legend had it) he raised 20 million dollars in six minutes.

You heard that right.
Not only that, but he did it while being completely authentic, utterly transparent and totally committed to service.
I’d heard the story of the 20 million dollar pitch, but the other day, I found the actual video footage of it.
Now, before you watch the video, allow me to explain who my first coach was, what he did and the circumstances that brought us together.
Just to give you an idea, he was a master storyteller…
He’d weave powerful tales and metaphors to let his clients know what mattered, and how to deal with the ups and downs of life; how to handle the negatives as well as the positives. Things like…
Conflict, hatred, anger…
Worry, stress, frustration…
He was committed to sharing what we might call, “core values”. You know the kinds of things I mean… 
Love, courage, kindness…
Joy, peace, compassion…
He spoke to the innate wellbeing that resides at the heart of every human being.
And he spoke to countless human beings, because my first coach was was a television star, with hundreds of thousands of adoring fans.
So how did he happen to close a deal worth 20 million dollars, in front of a live audience? 
Here’s how:

In 1969, he was invited to testify before the US Senate Subcommittee on Communications. There was a proposal to allocate $20 million to create a public broadcasting system, but the new president, Richard Nixon wanted it cut to $10 million.

My coach was chosen to testify because of his ability to make an emotional connection with his audience. In what’s been described as “one of the most powerful pieces of testimony ever offered before Congress”, he spoke so impactfully that the chairman of the subcommittee (Senator John Pastore of Rhode Island) was moved to tears.
At the end of his testimony, Pastore said, “I think it’s wonderful. Looks like you just earned the 20 million dollars.”

So who was this amazing coach?

His name was Fred Rogers, and his TV show (Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood) was one of my favourite programmes when I was a little boy.

I didn’t know it at the time, but as a four, five and six-year-old, Mr Rogers was coaching me and millions of other children, every day.

Fred Rogers was a passionate advocate of children and healthy child development, and he shared the values of love, courage, kindness, curiosity and reflection in every one of the 912 episodes he wrote and performed in.
At the end of each show, he would say this…

“You always make each day a special day. You know how: By just your being you. There’s only one person in the whole world that’s like you, and that’s you. And people can like you exactly the way you are.”

Perhaps we weren’t consciously aware of it at the time, but Fred Rogers was having a profoundly positive influence in our young lives, pointing us back to the truth of who we really are, and what we have going for us.

In 1997, he won an Emmy Lifetime achievement award, and when he took the stage to accept it, he said this to the audience of A-listers:

“All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take 10 seconds to think of the people who helped you become who you are?”
There are so many people who come to mind when I reflect on that question. I feel so happy and grateful for all the people who have contributed to me over the years. Including Fred Rogers.

Here’s the video of his testimony to congress: 

Big love,


Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker & Executive Coach