JST 235 – Making your living doing what you love

Photo courtesy of Ben_Kerckx and Pixabay

Welcome to part 6 in the series of articles on the 7 steps to earning your living as a successful professional in any field. Over the past year I’ve been isolating the specific steps involved, and refining them. What’s resulted is a ‘roadmap’, and while the version of it I’ve created is aimed at coaches, therapists, trainers and consultants, with a little creativity, you’ll be able to see how these steps relate to anyone who wants to transition to doing work that involves you being a ‘trusted advisor’ to others (e.g. expert / speaker / professional services etc).

I’ll be going through the final step next week, but if you want to download my new guide, “The 7 Steps for Earning Your Living As a Successful Coach” and get all 7 of them right away, you can get the guide free here. As you read this concise guide, you’re going to discover that it’s simpler than you may have been led to believe. So let’s look at Step 6 – Professional.

STEP 6 – PROFESSIONAL: You make your living as a successful professional
As a successful professional, you leverage your time, impact and income via products, packages and/or groups. You make your living as a professional, benefiting from the ‘compound interest’ of being able to focus significant amounts of time, energy and focus on serving your clients and growing your practice / business.

The Myth vs The Reality of Step 6
Most people have been conditioned to believe that financial security comes from having a job and getting paid a salary, but the reality is this: your ability to create value for others is the ultimate source of income, wealth and abundance. As you develop your ability to have a massive impact on your clients, and deliver real value to them, you’ll discover the true source of security, wealth and abundance for yourself.

– Implement systems and processes to make client-creation consistent and income-streams steady.
– Reduce living expenses and maximise professional income to reach / exceed your ‘freedom number’ (the income level you need to hit before you can make this your primary occupation).

Next week we’ll be looking at Step 7 – Mastery, but if you want to get all 7 steps right now, you can download “The 7 Steps for Earning Your Living As a Successful Coach”.

If you want to take a deep dive into the principles behind clarity, during the Certified Clarity Coach Training programme, we put a big focus on establishing and strengthening your foundations, and include plenty of practice sessions so that you start building the skills, intuitions and reference experiences for great coaching. We also focus on helping you get the kind of certainty in your own and your clients’ innate capacity for resilience, realisation and transformation (you may have got a sense of this if you listened to my coaching session with Pam Featherstone, or the ‘unpacking’ of it I did on my podcast here

The programme is a 10-month immersion into the principles behind clarity. It’s formally open for registration and it’s not just for coaches; we’ve had all sorts of people go through the programme including computer programmers, doctors, call centre workers, lawyers, parents, PR specialists, therapists, office workers, entrepreneurs, surgeons, people who are already coaches and consultants and trainers and even a professional footballer. If you’re interested, it’s worth knowing that we’re not running the programme next year so the intake that’s starting this September (2018) is the last chance you’ll get to join us until 2020 at the very earliest. So if you want to find out how to become a Clarity Coach and see what’s involved in bringing an understanding of these principles into every aspect of your life click here.

To your increasing clarity!
Big love

Jamie Smart

Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 6 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:

1. Listen to the ‘Get Clarity’ Podcast www.jamiesmart.com/claritynow/

2. Hire me to speak at your event: www.jamiesmart.com/book-jamie-to-speak-about/

If you’re a coach or interested in becoming one…

3. Join The Thriving Coaches Facebook group

4. Listen to The Thriving Coaches Podcast

5. Take part in the Thriving Coaches Blueprint. our 90 day, rapid-implementation programme to help you get more clients and grow your coaching or therapy practice (doors now open!)

6. Learn more about the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme, our 10-month deep-immersion into the principles behind clarity (doors now open! The programme starts September 2018 and won’t run again until 2020 at the earliest.)

If you’re looking to change job, career or move from FTE to something more fulfilling…

7. Join the Transition Launchpad Facebook group

8. Learn more about Escape Velocity: The Transition Blueprint our 90 day programme to help you transition into doing fulfilling work.