TTE 170 – Miracles, jellyfish and realising potential
It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog below.
1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
In 1999, I was given a copy of Sydney Banks’ book, The Missing Link. I dismissed it as lightweight and ‘stuff I already knew’. I read it again 5 years later and dismissed it again. Then, in 2009, it hit me. Sydney Banks’ book is now one of my favourites. I was reading it a couple of nights ago, and as I read the one-page introduction, I fell out of my thinking and into the truth of the moment; a profound insight that’s nourishing me still. Here’s the introduction. By now, Syd’s work has brought second chances to countless people’s lives:
“There are those in this world who believe miracles do not happen. I can assure such skeptics that they do. With hope and faith as beacons, anything can happen. If these writings bring a second chance of life to just one human being, my work has not been in vain.”
2. Another book that’s blowing me away
I’ve been reading Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff’s superb new book, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure. While Haidt and Lukianoff aren’t aware of the inside-out understanding per se, they instinctively understand that conditioning children to believe they are fragile, mentally weak and easily damaged is a very bad and dangerous idea. I highly recommend this book (as well as Nassim Taleb’s excellent book on a tangential subject, Antifragile):
3. This week’s glimpse of the future
This is cool and weird – a robo-jellyfish for exploring the ocean’s reefs!
4. A session I loved
Last week, I spoke at Rudi Kennard’s Realising Potential conference. My session was basically back to back coaching demos, but I kicked the session off by setting the scene. I explained how I approach coaching people from the inside-out, and how this approach differs from more traditional approaches to therapy, coaching and change work. Rudi has kindly allowed me to share the session intro with you, so if you’re interested in moving to coaching from a principles understanding this might be particularly interesting to you; click here.
5. This week’s 3-minute miracle
The soundtrack to the fun, irreverent superhero movie Guardians of the Galaxy had plenty of shining hits in it, but none popped quite as much as this classic by Blue Swede, Hooked On a Feeling
That’s it for this week!
Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach
PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 8 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:
1. Listen to the ‘Get Clarity’ Podcast
2. Hire me to speak at your event:
If you’re a coach or interested in becoming one…
3. Join The Thriving Coaches Facebook group
4. Listen to The Thriving Coaches Podcast
5. Take part in the Thriving Coaches Blueprint. our 90 day, rapid-implementation programme to help you get more clients and grow your coaching or therapy practice (doors now open!)
6. Learn more about the Certified Clarity Coach Training Programme, our 10-month deep-immersion into the principles behind clarity (Next programme starts, January 2020).
If you’re looking to change job, career or move from FTE to something more fulfilling…
7. Join the Transition Launchpad Facebook group
8. Learn more about Escape Velocity: The Transition Blueprint our 90-day programme to help you transition into doing fulfilling work.