TTE 169 – Nazis, propaganda and resilience

It’s enthusiasm time again. Let me know what you think via twitter at @JamieSmartCom, on my Facebook page, or on my blog below.

1. A quote I’m resonating with this week
David Bohm is one of the great physicists of the 20th century. As well as authoring the standard text on quantum mechanics, he wrote a number of books that explored the domain of consciousness and philosophy, including the extraordinary Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Here’s something he said that strikes me afresh every time I think of it.

“Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.”

2. Something I’m passionate about
How can we inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing?

This question is on so many people’s minds at the moment.

It seems like we’re currently facing a humanitarian crisis in mental health, with stress, depression, anxiety and even suicide on the increase.

So many of us are looking for the answer, and one of the people who I’ve been discussing this with over the past couple of years is Liz Scott (co-founder of the Resilient Young Minds conference). I did a Facebook Live on the subject with Liz last night. You can watch it here:

By the way, there are some live-streaming places available for the Resilient Young Minds conference in November, so if you want to join us, you can find out more and book your place here:

3. This week’s glimpse of the future
Earlier this year, police used an ancestry database to identify the suspected ‘Golden State Killer’. As more and more people use consumer DNA services, the police will have a massively increased reach when it comes to identifying criminal’s by their DNA. Both cool and concerning, here’s the New Scientist article on it

4. A fascinating video about propaganda
In their book Manufacturing Consent, Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman analysed the media through the lens of what they call the ‘propaganda model’. If you want to understand it in less than 5 minutes, check out this video:

5. This week’s 3 minute miracle
The other day, I re-watched one of my favourite movies, Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds. If you haven’t seen it, it’s basically a World War II anti-Nazi extravaganza. In one of the scenes near the climax of the film, QT uses this beautiful piece of music by the great Ennio Morricone. Here’s Un Amico

That’s it for this week!

Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker and Executive Coach

PLUS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 8 ways I can help you get the clarity and results that matter to you:

1. Listen to the ‘Get Clarity’ Podcast

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7. Join the Transition Launchpad Facebook group

8. Learn more about Escape Velocity: The Transition Blueprint our 90-day programme to help you transition into doing fulfilling work.