FSOC – Not obvious until you know it: solving the money-mystery
Released on February 21th, 2020
There are some conversations that change your life.
One of mine happened while I was on a training course in 1999.
At the time, I was still working as a project manager, but I was ‘in transition’. I had a dream of becoming a coach, trainer and speaker, but it seemed a long way off.
So I was working on it. Attending workshops, going on courses, reading books.
One of the things I loved about going on these programmes was I got to meet all kinds of people I wouldn’t normally get the chance to cross paths with.
People with completely different views on reality, and diverse life experiences.
Some of them seemed crazy or wrong to me.
But some of them had accomplished extraordinary things.
Some had already done what I wanted to do.
One weekend, I went on a training course in deepest Surrey. I was chatting to one of the other participants during a coffee break when I had one of the conversations that changed my life.
His name was Nick. He was very confident, and was telling me about his plan to retire in a couple of years’ time (he was about 35).
That’s when he said something that stopped me in my tracks.
“Like most things in life, money is 90% psychology, 10% tactics.
“This statement hit me like a bomb.
I saw in a flash that it was true.
See, it turns out that money-beliefs – your thinking & feeling about money – is either a filter or an amplifier.
It’s what allows you to experience financial freedom (or not). After all, money is…
- one of the main things couples have arguments about
- seen by many people as a barrier (to doing what they love, living how they want to etc)
- the thing coaches struggle with (anxiety about charging / value /worth / pricing / selling /even talking about it)
- the main reason people stay in jobs they hate & don’t pursue meaningful work- listed as a major ’cause’ of stress and anxiety
- the number one excuse for not doing things (I can’t afford it)
In short, it’s a dream-killer.
Following that conversation, I said to myself, “It’s time to change your psychology around money.
“That was 21 years ago, and my relationship to money has been transformed.
So I’ve decided to do a one-off masterclass to help you transform your relationship to money.
It’s this Monday, February 24th at 8 pm UK-time. Some of the things we’ll be covering include:
- Why your psychology around money matters
- How to detect hidden money-beliefs
- Clearing up insecurity about pricing, charging and asking for what you’re worth- The keys to transforming limiting beliefs
- Changing your relationship to money and experiencing greater abundance
In fact, we’ll be going beyond abundance, to the source of true prosperity (and one of the most overlooked facts of the money-game).
Q: Would you like to join me for this masterclass?
If the answer is ‘YES’, then you can register for free here.
Big love,