PCP 03: Jack Austin – Becoming Real

Released 27 September 2017     Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

In this episode, I coach Jack Austin, a purpose-driven business consultant. Jack already has a big impact with his clients, but he wants to be able to connect with new clients more easily. When we started the call, he told me that he sometimes feels uncomfortable in social or ‘networking’ contexts, and believes he needs to get better at that. As we dive into it, we discover that what’s been getting in the way is an extremely common fear; something that countless coaches and transformation professionals share. This was a really touching and moving session for both Jack and me, so I look forward to hearing how it lands for you.

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The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

Featured Show Highlights

• If you want to be comfortable making connections you have to be willing to be uncomfortable at times as well (6:18)

• It’s hard to connect when wearing a mask (15:21)

• Who you really are has nothing to make up for – you have nothing to cover up (19:17)


“I have allowed myself to avoid massive amounts of things at different and created unpleasant circumstances as a consequence because of shying away from things that were uncomfortable” (8:56)

“A lot of my life has been focused around showing and trying to look good and the reason for it isn’t so that I can look good, it is so people don’t see what I think is really wrong behind the scene” (13:48)