PCP 04: Lisa Rabinowitz – Where You Need To Be

Released 11 October 2017     Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

In this episode, I’m coaching marital counsellor Lisa Rabinowitz. Lisa dreamed of working with couples ever since she was a child, and loves helping clients reconnect to their innate wisdom and peace of mind. And one of the interesting things about Lisa is that she holds an MA in Clinical Psychology from East Carolina University. And one of the other interesting things about Lisa is that I did a 15-minute laser-coaching session with her the other day, so this session was our second conversation.

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Featured Show Highlights

• What Lisa learned from the first laser session (1:56)

• Why she is struggling with changing her practice from counseling – and how she should explain this to her clients (3:05)

• Why it isn’t Lisa’s job to explain the principals, but rather to just do this…(8:06)

• It’s not a practice it is an understanding (15:02)

• The reasons some couples improve, while others don’t (23:39)


“I think the more present I am and the quieter I become, then I also help my clients really be able to settle and be able to have clarity on things” (2:11)

“The more connected I am with my client, the more I can be able to share something that might be more meaningful to them and have a great impact on them” (14:10)

“I think the couple who will use the tools and techniques have an open heart and a commitment to goodwill and partnership. That’s what I think I see is the major difference of one couple who it will help and the other couple who it won’t help.” (24:06)