PCP 11: Ann Bridges – Habits, Compulsions and “Beginner’s Mind”

Released 17 January 2018     Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher

In this excerpt from a Clarity Coach Training Masterclass, you’ll hear me coaching Ann Bridges. Ann is a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience, currently working as a community nurse. She teaches birthing classes to couples and is currently organising a women’s empowerment summit in Sydney, Australia. We start the session with with a discussion about how to create packages for prospective clients, but soon dive into the domain of eliminating habits and compulsions, and into the power of being a perpetual beginner.

If you’d like to be a guest on the Profitable Coaches Podcast and get coaching from Jamie Smart, just enter your details at www.JamieSmart.com/guest 

Featured Show Highlights

  • How to identify what your potential clients want – in order to build the ideal offer for them (5:22)
  • How to manage bad habits that may have “creeped in” again (8:30)
  • Why do people look outside themselves to change how they feel inside – when this isn’t the answer? (10:53)


“If what is changing is on the inside, not on the outside, it’s thought that is giving them the changing feeling”  (Jamie, 12:29)

“You have a physical body, but your experience of whatever is going on in your physical body is generated by thought” (Jamie, 14:48)

“If a person believes their feelings or stress, worry, or anxiety come from outside, then they are going to look in the same cupboard for the solution”  (Jamie, 17:16)