PCP 14: Nick Bottini – Winning at the Best Selling Book Game
Released 28 February 2018 Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher
This episode is a little bit different to the usual format because it’s the recording of a conversation I had with Clarity Coach and Mentor, Nick Bottini. I met Nick a couple of years ago when he was in the beta-test group for the programme that became ‘The Thriving Coaches Blueprint’. Nick is a coach; he wanted to grow his practice and he got more and more interested in the principles behind clarity. Now Nick has written a book called ‘Just Play’. He’s doing amazing stuff, some of which you will hear about in this episode. We got on a call because he wanted to explore ideas about how he could get his book to reach as many people as possible and how to get it on to the bestseller lists. Part of it is a coaching session and part of it is a chat between friends about something he wants to accomplish – something I have experience of. But as you’ll hear at certain points in the conversation it goes much deeper and into the domain of Clarity Coaching and (as you’ll hear), that’s where the turning point in the conversation is.
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