FSOC – Planting seeds in Portugal

I’ve re-located to Portugal for 3 weeks to write the 2nd edition of my first book, CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results.

And that’s my primary purpose; to re-write the book.

But my sense is that while I’m here, I’ll also be going through a process of transformation.

Because – just like any endeavour – writing a book is a transformative process, in and of itself.

So I thought you might like to come on the journey with me.

While my focus will be on getting the book written (my publisher’s deadline is March 21st), from time to time I’ll be sharing snippets from it, as well as any insights I have during the re-write process.

Q: Would you like me to share my insights & updates with you?

If yes, I’ll be posting them in the Thriving Coaches Community (you can join the group here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/claritylifecommunity/posts/2777424785896660/ 

Meanwhile, I’m working on the preface to the second edition, where I’m going to be explaining what the purpose of the 2e is / why i’m writing it / what will be different etc.

Here’s a bit from the start of it (just to get warmed up). BTW, this is all draft so may not appear in this form in the edition that goes to print:

“…as we continue waking up to who we really are, we discover
that the very thing that can make the biggest difference in our own lives
also represents our most profound contribution
to humanity, the world and to all of life…”

Clarity is your mind’s natural state. It reflects an innate capacity for resilience, wisdom and wellbeing that exists within every human being.

As the world becomes increasingly complex and uncertain, our need to rely on these innate capacities becomes more and more important. Yet we live at a time when huge numbers of people are being told that they don’t have these inner resources; that they’ve been damaged in some way, or that they never had them in the first place.

Fortunately, this is not the case. Your innate capacity for clarity (and the full spectrum of inner resources that accompany it) is your birthright. These capacities are ‘built-in’, pre-existing qualities; as much a part of you as your ability to use your five senses.

This book is about what clarity is, why it matters and how to get it to work for you.

I’ll be posting more snippets in the Facebook group as I continue to write. In the meantime, I won’t be doing any scheduled facebook lives or other public events over the next few weeks. However, here are a couple of resources you might enjoy…

Podcast Episode: The Clarity Activator

The Clarity Activator is one-hour audio that serves as an introduction to / companion to my first book, the number 1 bestseller, CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results. You can listen to it here: https://www.jamiesmart.com/pcp06/

Keynote Speech: The Search is Over (except when it isn’t)

A few years ago, Clarity Coach Niko Leppänen, organised the first 3P conference in Helsinki, Finland. I was very honoured to be invited to give the keynote speech to open the conference. You can watch the full session here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7IrhiA7qz0

Finally, I wish you well and look forward to connecting with you when I’m back from Portugal.

Big love,


Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker & Coach