FSOC – [REDUX] Sometimes I screw up and don’t want anyone to know

I just got an unexpected and lovely surprise!
Sometimes you get what you want, but not the way you anticipated it.
Here’s the backstory…

It didn’t get a #1 in a single Amazon category.
I felt bad about it and wrote a post (copied in the PS below) called… 

** [CONFESSION] Sometimes I screw up and don’t want anyone to know **

The post got a huge response (thanks again to everyone who replied) and I got on with my life.

Anyway, last week, my publisher contacted me to say that The Little Book of Results had been selected by Amazon for their Kindle Daily Deal.

I was happy to hear this, and posted about it on Facebook & Twitter yesterday, and thought no more about it.

Then on Wednesday morning, I woke up to discover TLBOR is a #1 bestseller!!! 

‘The Little Book of Results’ is Amazon’s #1 bestseller in their Business Creativity Skills section.
And it just goes to show… sometimes you get exactly what you wanted, just not in the way you expected…
Q: Does this resonate with you and/or are you open to getting what you want, but not necessarily in the exact way you anticipate?
Let me know in the comments.
I feel so happy and grateful to be able to do this work and to have so many wonderful people on this journey with me.
Thanks as ever for your support, and for making it possible for me to do what I do.
Wishing you a happy, peaceful and thriving 2021.
Tons of love, 

Jamie Smart, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker & Executive Coach

PS Here’s the original article I referred to:

[CONFESSION] Sometimes I screw up and don’t want anyone to know

People regularly tell me that it seems like everything I do turns out well. 
I assure them that isn’t the case; that lots of the things I do, don’t work out the way I want them to.
I explain that it’s a case of ‘survivorship bias’ – that they’re only noticing the things that work out, and not all the things that don’t.
But they typically don’t believe me. And I could never quite understand why not. 
Then suddenly today I realised why not.
When the things I do, don’t work out the way I want them to, I feel bad.
What kind of bad?
Ashamed, embarrassed, stupid. 
Like a fraud, a fuckup, a failure.
And I don’t want anyone to know. I’d love to tell you that I’ve got a positive attitude about this kind of thing, but I don’t.
When I get things wrong, I don’t want you to know about it. I don’t want ANYONE to know about it.
Why not?
Insecurity, plain and simple. So I don’t post about it, I don’t share about it. I don’t tell YOU about it.
So why am I telling you about this today?
18 months ago, my book RESULTS became a Sunday Times Bestseller.
Not long after that, I got a book deal to write The Little Book of Results.
The book launched at the end of last month, and for the past 10 days, we’ve been doing a big Amazon push on it.
And it hasn’t worked very well.
I’m super-proud of this book, but it hasn’t scraped a number 1 in a single Amazon category.
And my first instinct was to brush over it; just not to mention it and keep my powder dry until next time I’ve got something to celebrate.
But if I brushed over it, I’d also be brushing over an opportunity to tell you the truth. 
To show you that we’re all in the same boat. 
To tell you that I sometimes hurt too.
So I’m telling you.
And if you’re hurting today – if you’re feeling like a fraud, a fuckup or a failure – I understand. 
I get that it sucks.
Let’s have a bit of a moan, then brush ourselves off, get back up and keep going.
If you want to get a copy of The Little Book of Results, let me know in the comments and I’ll share the link to the launch page – I may feel like shit, but I haven’t given up yet 😉

And if going forward, you’d like me to share the lows as well as the highs, tell me in the comments.

PPS The 2021 Clarity Certification Training programme is now SOLD OUT. All the places have now been taken and we’ve closed registration for the 2021 CCT programme that starts at the end of January.

If you want to get on the waiting list for the 2022 programme, and/or to be notified in the unlikely event that one of the 2021 places becomes available, you can let us know and get on the list:

Just go to the page and register your interest here  https://www.jamiesmart.com/cctclosed/