RMP 38 Presents: Tanya Alexander – Escape from Fear

Released 14 March 2018     Subscribe: iTunes

In this episode of the results mind set podcast we are doing something a little bit different. What you will hear is the recording of a 1-1 coaching session I did with one of my clients Tanya Alexander for my other podcast (The Profitable Coaches Podcast). The reason I’m releasing this episode here is because of what I was coaching Tanya around. Tanya is doing a programme of mine called ‘Escape Velocity – The Transition Blueprint’ and during that programme people get 1-1 coaching in a group context. When Tanya came on for her coaching session she wanted to get coaching around a number of fears – agoraphobia, claustrophobia, fear of flying and generalised anxiety, and so the reason I thought that would be such a great topic for this podcast is because the solution with those is the same as it is for ALL our fears, worries and anxieties. If you are a coach, therapist or trainer and you want to listen to more of these coaching sessions OR if you are just interested in hearing more of this kind of stuff you can subscribe to the Profitable Coaches Podcast by heading over to https://www.jamiesmart.com/pcp