RMP 04: John Wilkes – Punching Above Your Weight

Released 16 November 2016     Subscribe: iTunes

John Wilkes is the co-founder of the conversion rate optimisation agency, Somebody Digital. And one of the interesting things about John is that he’s also the creator of Hotfishin, a website that connects fishermen with fisheries (imagine a kind of ‘Airbnb for fishing’).


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“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss


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After John read The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss he discovered the world doesn’t have to be only one way.

After reading this book John consulted with Jamie and came up with a proposal to present to his boss about cutting back to a 3-day work week while still being compensated the same amount. John had found a way to be just as productive in three days as he was for five by cutting out the ‘fluff’.

His boss accepted John’s proposal and that gave John confirmation that the world is not how he thought it was.

With John’s extra time during the week he was able to focus his interests around Internet marketing. John didn’t have any experience in digital marketing so he sought out a new job, which he was not qualified for, in hopes of learning all he could. John admits it was a real struggle at the beginning.

After a year and a half of experience at this company John felt it was time to start his own agency.

John talks about motivation, self-discipline and inspiration as being necessities of being successful in business. These are things that John has learned on his journey that has helped himself and his business expand.

Motivation and willpower can change from day to day, but self-discipline becomes habit.



“It was kinda the book after NLP that I realized the world isn’t how I think it is and I could do different thing than the norm.”

“I then said ok, where else am I just following the rules?”

“When I don’t know something I will then do all I can to become great at that so I got a job to learn.”

“I think it was my desire to become the best, I mean after six months I was as good as anybody in that department.”

“I think self discipline is more important than motivation because sometimes you don’t want to do the thing but you have developed the habit to do it even when you don’t want to do it.”


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