RMP 05: Juan Quesada – The Magic of Connection

Released 30 November 2016     Subscribe: iTunes

Juan Quesada works as an account executive for a large multi- national that makes enterprise software, and has worked around the world in companies such as Apple, Microsoft and SAP. And one of the interesting things about Juan is that he’s now earning more as a coach than he was in his role as an account executive, and at the time of recording this interview, he’s a week away from quitting his job.


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When Juan first met Jamie they had a deep connection between them. Juan decided to invest in a one-year program with Jamie but shortly after, he was influenced by his family and friends not to proceed. However, after feeling such a strong connection Juan, didn’t want to miss an opportunity.

In the past year, Juan has changed his life so much that he is now able to quit his job because he is more profitable in coaching.

He realized the assumptions and inner beliefs he had were not real and were not true. They were just fixed beliefs, just thoughts. When he realized this they changed, and Juan began to have a more tailored life.

Some of the changes that had happened in Juan life since his realization was the role he played in his job as an Account Executive. He knew that the most important section of time you will spend in your career is the time you spend with the customer.

He realized he wasn’t connecting with his clients, as he wasn’t listening or fully present.

Over the past year, Juan has been transitioning into a role of doing the kind of work that is more aligned with him.

He works with customers from directors to people who have had multiple careers. When talking about the kind of results his clients have had, he describes them as life-changing.

His plan is to continue providing valuable content to be able to help people who cannot be a full-time client of his. He is also planning to hold retreats in the near future.

When asked what the purpose of all Juan work was for, he simply replies:

“For the purpose of doing it.”



“You know I have all the analytical and intellectual reasoning telling me not to do it, but there was something else. There was something inside telling me that I could not miss this opportunity”

“What I discovered with you changed my inner world, changed the way I approach life and I started acting not from what I was supposed to do but what was best for me.”

“The best sale representatives, the best directors, they do something very special in those moments; they are 100% fully present in the conversation.”

“A clear mind allows you to pay attention to your intuition, the decisions are clearer and you can know what to do and you change your priorities according to what is good for you not according to what is supposed to be good for you.”


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