RMP 21: Chantal Burns – The Power of Perspective

Released 12 July 2017     Subscribe: iTunes

Chantal Burns is a leadership coach, consultant and international speaker. She’s the author of the #1 bestselling book, “Instant Motivation”, and one of the interesting things about Chantal is that she’s the founder of the Conscious Leadership School.

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Chantal’s Website

Selected Links from this episode

Conscious Leadership School

Featured Show Highlights

  • How Chantal first realized the power of mindset (2:03)
  • Why she believes that relentlessness, optimism and determination are our default settings (5:32)
  • Her determination (before being introduced to clarity and mindset) came from a whole different place (10:03)
  • What does “inside out” versus “outside in” mean? (15:10)
  • Why there is only one type of problem – and that is a thinking problem


“I see it as not so much a set of skills or a way of thinking that we have to acquire but more that it is already part of who we are.” (6:03)

“We get to view the situation as it really is, with more perspective, with more clarity and then make better decisions as a result.” (11:49)