RMP 22: Cheryl Bond – How To Make Good Decisions
Released 26 July 2017 Subscribe: iTunes
Cheryl Bond is an executive coach, trainer and facilitator. She’s been working in the field of training and development for over 20 years, and one of the interesting things about Cheryl is that she uses her understanding of the inside-out nature of life as the foundation of what she does in businesses.
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Featured Show Highlights
- How Cheryl implemented the principles into her corporate position (2:52)
- She recognized that tools and systems can only help you so much… (3:50)
- The approach Cheryl uses when it comes to helping people delegate and move past their fears (9:26)
- Why she teaches about how the thought works instead of the content of the thought
“When it gets down to helping people see something different or change their perspective or change their behavior, that’s where the foundation understanding of how the mind works really comes in” (2:58)
“Here is the secret to time management: you have to figure out what you’re not going to do.” (7:18)
“People need to realize that whatever they are feeling or experiencing in the moment is coming through the power of thought from inside of them. It has nothing to do with the external circumstances.” (10:35)