RMP 30: Elaine Hilides – The Inner Source of Health and Wellbeing

Released 29 November 2017     Subscribe: iTunes

Elaine Hilides is a coach working with people from all walks of life on subjects as diverse as stress, weight loss and addictions. She is also the no.1 bestselling author of ‘MindFullness the No-Diet diet book’ and the creator of a number of popular courses hosted on Udemy including ‘Break Free from Addiction’ and ‘Love Food and Loose Weight without Dieting’. Back in 2009 Elaine wanted to make some changes in her life and so hired me as her coach. She became my apprentice just as I was transitioning into teaching the principles behind Clarity and began a journey that would see Elaine do things she never thought possible.


Connect with Elaine

You can find out more information about Elaine’s weight loss and stress programmes or book a 1-1 session with her by visiting her website

Selected Links from this episode

Elaine’s Book, Mindfulness: The No-Diet Diet Book

Featured Show Highlights

  • Why learning the principles changed how Elaine felt about public speaking (3:19)
  • How she was able to move away from the “I don’t know how to” mentality (11:10)
  • The reason that you don’t always need to have the answer (12:30)
  • The ways in which the principles have changed Elaine’s relationships – and life as a whole (17:40)
  • Her insight on weight loss and how she now helps others with food and other addictions (22:37)


“We have flashes of wondering what everyone is thinking about us or if we are doing it right or are we being judged, but they really are just flashes for me now” (5:16)

“So we know that physically we change, but somehow mentally it is easy to get stuck and I think that is how I was for a long time” (7:27)

“The more simply you see it, the fewer answers you need to have prepared” (Jamie, 13:03)

“Weight loss is nothing about the food you eat, it is about the way you think about the food you eat” (22:48)

“It’s no good looking outside to change something (that) you have created on the inside” (24:06)